My Heart Is Not Homophobic {3}

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“So why do you hate JJ so much?” I asked River as I sat next to him in 4th period History class. He sighed. “He backstabbed me. Long story. Maybe I’ll tell you sometime, but not now. It’ll make me too angry. Just please, please, please don’t get caught up with him Milo.”

                We sat through class listening to the teacher talked and then it was time for lunch. River led me down to the cafeteria and we sat at a table. “You bring your own lunch?” he asked. I nodded and pulled out the brown bag.

                “Cool. I’m going to go buy my lunch and then head over to get a slushie. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he said, setting his bag down in his seat and leaving towards the lunch line.

                I pulled out a sandwich and bit into it. I pulled out my Arnold Palmer and set it down in front of me, looking around the cafeteria and taking in the appearances of kids.

                “Yum, that looks like a mighty fine samich!”

                I looked up at a grinning Pat. He sat down across from me casually. “So where you coming here from?” he asked. “Uh, Florida,” I said. “We lived in Tampa.” He nodded and looked at me curiously. “You’re pretty pale. You don’t look like you come from Florida.” I blushed a little. “I’m Irish. I don’t exactly tan,” I said.

                “Nice. Anyways, my brother and I like to make some new friends. We were wondering if you want to hang out with us after school. We could show around the town a little,” he said. I was about to politely decline when I paused.

                River only told me to stay away from JJ. Right? I tried to think back and was fairly sure he’d only said to stay away from JJ.

                I smiled a little at Pat. “Yea. Sure. Thanks.” He grinned wider and nodded. “No problem.” He slid a piece of paper across the table. “My cell number. What’s yours?” Milo read off his cell number and Pat put it in his phone. “Sweet. I’ll call you after school and find you. We drive home, we don’t take the stupid bus.”

                He left the table and about 2 minutes later, River said down and started eating with me. I didn’t mention Pat to him and he sank into a much better mood as he ate.

                The day went by and it turned out I had Spanish with Gabe, Pat and River, Marine Bio and gym with JJ and Pat, and study hall with JJ, Pat, and River.

                I said bye to River as Pat texted me to meet him in front of the cafeteria. “Aren’t you taking a bus?” River asked in confusion. I shook my head. “Not today,” I said smoothly. “Oh. Well, bye Milo! I’ll see you tomorrow!” He smiled and waved before walking off.

                I walked to the cafeteria and saw Pat standing there. “Oh, hey. Let’s go,” he said and led me out of the school and down a hill to the student parking lot. He led me over to a white Honda Civic and nodded at a back door. “Hop in. Our chariot awaits,” he said and crawled in on the opposite side.

                I got in the car and froze. JJ was sitting shot gun, his feet propped up on the dash board, moving his head in time with the music. Darn. Oh well, I just wouldn’t let myself get too close to him. I would be extremely cautious around him.

                Gabe started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He pulled out a cigarette as we waited at a red light. “Anyone else want one?” he offered. Pat reached forward and Gabe handed him one. “JJ? New kid whose name I forgot?” JJ held his hand out and received one. “Milo. And no thanks,” I said.

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