My Heart Is Not Homophobic {25}

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                I walked into school the next day and over to Gabe and Felix. Felix looked upset, but like he didn’t want to talk. I glanced at Gabe.

                “How is he?” I asked quietly. I knew he wasn’t going to be in school today. We had all seen it yesterday. All seen that something was very, very wrong with Pat.

                “He just kept screaming about how there was nothing wrong with him. JJ…I’m scared. What the fuck is wrong with my little brother?” he asked quietly. “I wish I knew, Gabe,” I said sympathetically.

                “What are your parents doing?” I asked. He shrugged helplessly. “When my mom got home, she started freaking out. They’re scared too. You should’ve seen the look in his eyes. It wasn’t Patrick at all. It was like it was someone else. He looked proper mental, JJ.” I hated to admit it, but I think that Pat WAS proper mental. He sure as hell had looked it.

                “I’m going to go talk to Milo,” I said quietly and Gabe nodded, the troubled look in his eyes making me frown deeply. I walked around until I found Milo. I told him what had happened and his face went pale.

                “Well shit,” he said and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yea,” I said and sighed sadly. I was still afraid from that look in Pat’s eyes. The hell was wrong with that kid?

                “Do you hate him?” Milo asked me quietly and I shook my head. “Not at all. If there’s something wrong with him, why would I hate him? It’s our fault for not doing anything about it sooner. By our, our mine, like our families. Not you.” He nodded. “I get what you’re saying.”

                I leaned down and kissed him deeply. “I’m just afraid of what he’ll do once his parents send him back to school,” I said and pulled Milo into my arms. We rocked there together, both of us wondering just what it was Pat’s fucked up mind would conceive to do to us.

                                                                                ***Pat’s POV***

                “He’s not okay!” I could hear my dad saying from downstairs. I was sitting in their closet, which locked only from the outside. Our parents used to lock us in here as time out when Gabe and I were little kids.

                Fuck that stupid Milo kid. He had turned JJ against me. JJ would never say there was something wrong with me, because there wasn’t and he knew it. Milo had tricked him. Yes, Milo had lied to him so that he would say there was something wrong with me.

                And Milo needed to pay for that. Oh yes, he needed to pay for tricking JJ like that. Because now my parents thought there was something wrong with me. There was nothing wrong with me, nothing at all. I was normal, just like my brother and JJ and Felix.

                I would break his fucking arms. That’s what I would do. I would break Milo’s fucking arms so that he couldn’t hug JJ, or tangle his hands in JJ’s hair when they kissed. Then he wouldn’t be normal. I’d break his arms so bad, they would never be normal again. That would teach him to make JJ think there was something wrong with me.

                And if JJ wouldn’t date me, even when that Milo fucker was a freak, then I would break his arms too. Yes, then he could match we that stupid Milo fucker. Matching fuckers. They could stare at each other all they wanted, but they couldn’t hug each other because their arms would be broken. Oh, but I wouldn’t break JJ’s arms too bad. Just enough to convince him to be with me instead of Milo.

                I would pretend to be sorry so that I could go back to school tomorrow. Then after school, I could jump Milo and break his god damn arms. I’d make him and JJ drop their guards, and then I’d go after Milo. Then the choice was up to JJ, whether he still wanted to be with Milo, or if he finally saw that he wanted to be with me.

                The closet door opened sometime later, after I had carefully planned everything out, and my parents appeared. “Pat, what the hell were you thinking yesterday?” my dad asked, glaring at me.

                “I don’t know dad. He made me angry. He kept saying I wasn’t normal. He kept saying there was something wrong with me. I got angry. I shouldn’t have attacked him. I’m really sorry. I feel so bad,” I whispered, trying not to smirk. No, I didn’t feel bad at all.

                “See, Owen? It was just a fight between boys. He’s fine, and he feels bad about it,” my mom said and held her hand out to me. I took it and she pulled me up. She hugged me tightly, almost desperately. “He’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you, Patrick. Just don’t fight like that again. Please. Apologize to JJ.” I nodded. See? My mom knew. She knew I was fine.

                I looked at my dad and saw him giving me a doubtful look. Maybe I’d have to convince that fucker too, then. I’d have to convince anyone who thought there was something wrong with me.

                “Go to your room, Patrick,” dad said at last. I moved out of my mom’s arms and went to my room, resisting the urge to shoot him a dirty look. I wanted them to let me go to school tomorrow.

                I went into my room and shut the door, knowing my dad was going to talk shit about me now. He was going to say there was something wrong with me. I’d break his arms, too. I’d break his fucking legs.

                I looked at a picture of me and JJ together and picked it up. I set it flat on my nightstand and brought my fist down on it, shattering the frame and cutting my hand. I barely even felt it. That’s what I would do to JJ if he rejected me. I would shatter him. But either way, I was going to shatter Milo’s fucking arms tomorrow. That would teach him to fuck with Patrick Cash.


A.N. You know what else I just realized about this story? Owen, the one they all warned against having kids, ended up with the mentally insane son ._.  

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