My Heart Is Not Homophobic {22}

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A.N.- Thank you so much to 123FAITH_FULL123 for the idea!! :)


                                                                                ***Milo’s POV*** 

                I watched in shock as JJ and Pat walked away. “Are you okay?” Roman cried, concern clear on his face. I forced myself to nod. “Yea, I’m fine,” I said quietly.

                I wiped my face to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. “He’s mentally insane,” I whispered. “Did you see the look in his eyes?” Roman nodded, paling a little. “He scares me. I can’t believe JJ still hangs out with him.”

                I shrugged and sighed. “We need to find some way to show JJ how cruel Pat is,” I said, frustration leaking into my voice.

                Roman nodded in agreement. I bit my lip. Maybe I should tell JJ…but no. He wouldn’t believe me. Of course he wouldn’t believe me. Because he didn’t trust me. That was his biggest problem. He trusted the wrong people.

                Still, it was the only way I could think that would show him that I really hadn’t sent that text message. It was the only thing I could think of. He had to stop hiding behind ignorance and just accept that Pat was fucked up as all hell and hurting him. Why Pat was hurting him, I couldn’t say. I didn’t even have a guess. Maybe he was just that sick in the head. Maybe he had a reason. Either way, it was wrong and it needed to stop before it seriously hurt JJ.

                I looked at Roman. I knew I had an attraction to Roman, but I knew I was in love with JJ. Yea, stupid thing to say about a kid you had only dated for a little. But I could just feel it was true. I had been holding Roman’s hand, yes, but I wasn’t dating him.

                I had held hands with friends in my old school. It was what we did. And I suddenly realized how stupid I was. Of course JJ would take it as more than just friendly. He would think I had moved on and went right to dating Roman. I wouldn’t do that. I wanted to be with JJ. I liked Roman, but I wanted to be with JJ.

                “Come on; let’s get to class,” Roman said as the bell rang. We walked off to class. I waited anxiously until health class. I took my seat next to River and stared at the back of JJ’s head. I mentally prepared myself and cleared my throat.

                “Uh…JJ?” I said quietly. “What?” he asked, his voice freezing. He didn’t even turn around. “Listen, I really, really need to talk to you,” I said and he shrugged, finally turning to face me. His eyes were lit up with anger. “I don’t want to talk to you, you dumb fuck.”

                “Yea, you dumb fuck,” Pat said, turning around and snickering. I resisted the urge to tell him to shut up. I didn’t want him to punch me again. The kid good punch damn hard.

                “Please, JJ. Please,” I begged, desperation in my eyes. “Please JJ,” Pat mimicked and laughed at me. “Pat, stop,” JJ snapped. “Why?” he demanded, turning his attention back to me as Pat pouted.

                “Because. I have something important to tell you that might prove I really didn’t send the text message,” I said silently, looking away from him and towards my hands nervously. JJ regarded me with hateful eyes. “Maybe,” he said at last. “If I feel like it.”

                “Which he won’t. Because you’re just some faget-ass punk,” Pat said and laughed again. “Will you shut up?” I snapped, quickly losing my patience with him. This whole mess was his fault. Fucking asshole. I had never hated anyone as much as I hated Patrick Cash.

                Pat glared and punched me again. “Pat!” JJ hissed. “PATRICK CASH!” the teacher exploded and stormed over. “I saw that! Go to the principal’s office right now!” he snapped.

                Pat regarded him with blank eyes. “Principal’s. Mr. Cash. Don’t you make me say it again,” the teacher growled dangerously. Pat continued to stare at him.

                Gabe came over and pulled Pat to his feet. “I’ll take him down,” Gabe grumbled and dragged Pat out of the classroom when the teacher nodded. “And I’m calling down to make sure they know you’re coming!” the teacher called as an afterthought before moving to the phone to call down to the office.

                “You keep playing ignorant, JJ. Keep pretending that Pat doesn’t have mental issues and that he didn’t send you those text messages. See how happy you end up,” River grumbled.

                “Pat doesn’t have mental issues and I know he didn’t send those texts! I’m not being ignorant!” JJ said angrily. River shrugged. “Sure JJ. Sure.”

                I ignored River and faced JJ. “Please just come to my house afterschool, JJ. It can’t hurt you. I promise it might help you. It’ll clear this whole mess up, I hope. Please,” I begged quietly.

                He looked deep into my eyes before nodding. “Fine. But if this is a waste if my time, I’ll let Pat hit you all he fucking wants to.” I nodded nervously. “Fine,” I said, praying it wouldn’t be a waste of his time. I was hoping that it would fix our relationship, and reveal Pat for the lying asshole he really was. It might hurt JJ, but he needed to know. It would hurt him more if he didn’t know, because Pat would keep fucking with him.

                So afterschool, JJ got on the bus with me. We got off at my house and I led him up to my bedroom and shut the door. He sat on my bed and glanced at me with those cold eyes that told me how hurt and angry he was.

                “Why am I hear, Milo? I fucking hate you,” he growled. “JJ…I didn’t send that text. I wouldn’t make fun of you being adopted because…I am too,” I whispered and his eyes widened a little. 

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