My Heart Is Not Homophobic {13}

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                “So you kissed JJ Hottie?” I nodded. “Yea.” River raised an eyebrow. “What happened to you and Roman?” “Roman said he didn’t want a relationship,” I said quietly and shrugged a little.

                River gave me a suspicious look. “I don’t know Milo. This seems a little sketchy. JJ invites you to babysit the day that Roman breaks everything off with you? I don’t trust it. I think he set it up.” I shook my head. “How would he do that? I think he really likes me, River. And I…I really like him.”

                River sighed deeply. “Milo, JJ is not good news. Please trust me.” I fidgeted nervously. “I do trust you River! I just…I don’t know. I do like JJ.”

                River frowned. “Look, I’ve got to go to my locker.” He walked away from me and I let my mind wander back to last night’s kiss.

                                                                                ***River’s POV***

                “Roman!” I called when I spotted him in the hall. He turned to me with a friendly smile. “Shit dude, what happened to your eye?” I asked. It was violent shades of black and blue. He blushed a little. “I ran into a door. What did you need?”

                “What happened to you and Milo?” I asked. He bit his lip. “Promise you won’t tell him?” I nodded. “I promise.” He then told me everything that Pat Cash had told him.

                Anger boiled up inside me. “Oh Pat,” I hissed. Roman gave me a curious look. “Pat Cash is nothing but slime,” I said coldly. “He’s a fucking liar. He ruins everything. He lied to you, to get you to break things off with Milo so that JJ could move in. Milo wasn’t kissing JJ behind your back. Or talking to him. Not they’re talking though. God I hate Patrick Cash!”

                “River…you guys used to be best friends. I remember seeing you guys all together. What happened?” he asked me, the innocence in his eyes reminding me of Milo. I hadn’t told him either, but maybe it was time I did.

                “Come on,” I said with a sigh. Roman followed me around until we found Milo. They awkwardly said hi to each other, but I ignored it. “Okay, you guys want to know what happened between JJ, Pat, Gabe, Felix and I? You want to know why I said you can’t trust them?” They stared at me uncertainly.

                “We used to be best friends. So, so close. But they all fucked it up. JJ and I were the closest, and Pat, Gabe, and Felix got jealous. That was back when Felix was still a stoner. I knew they were planning something against me and JJ, so I told their parents they were getting high one night. Their parents drug tested them, and Pat and Felix got caught. Gabe didn’t. Pat and Felix got grounded, and that pissed them off even more at me. It didn’t take much to find out I was the one that ratted them out.

                “Like I said, Felix was a stoner at the time. Being taken off drugs really pissed him off, and he isn’t an easily angered person. He was suffering withdrawal or whatever the shit it was, and he was beyond furious and stressed out. He and Pat started plotting against JJ and I in school, and they sucked Gabe into it.

                “It started small. Rumors. Things like I was a stoner, or I slept around, or whatever. I didn’t bother with it, which was a big mistake. Things escalated quickly from there. Pat stole my phone and texted himself off it. It was a message insulting Pat, Gabe, Felix, JJ, and his dads. You just don’t insult JJ’s dads. JJ believed it.

                “The next day in school, it got ugly. The four of them ganged up on me in the middle of the hall, and beat the living shit out of me in front of everyone. I tried to explain everything to JJ, even as he was punching me. He didn’t believe me. He believed Pat over me.

                “Point of the story? If you get too close to JJ, his little gang gets jealous. They’ll fuck everything up, including you. I’m begging you to stay away from him Milo. Pat tricked Roman into cutting things off with you so that JJ could move in. He might be fine with it right now, but soon Pat will get jealous. Then he’ll do the same thing, or worse, to you.”

                Milo and Roman stared at me in shocked silence and I nodded. “I’m telling the truth. Go ahead and ask JJ about me. He’ll tell you how I insulted his friends and his family, and how he beat the shit out of me for it. Go on Milo. Ask him. I dare you,” I challenged.

                Milo suddenly got an angry look. “I…I don’t believe you River! JJ wouldn’t do that!” he cried angrily. My mouth nearly dropped open. “You think I’d make that shit up Milo?!” “Yea! You’re the jealous one!” he snapped before storming away from me and Roman. 

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