My Heart Is Not Homophobic {4}

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***JJ’s POV***

                We drove away from Milo’s house. Connor was singing along to some shitty song on the radio and dad was smiling as he drove. God Connor could get on my nerves. Sometimes he was alright, and I actually enjoyed being with him. But times like these, when he’d had too much sugar and was far too hyper, I just wished Max and Noah had stopped at 2 kids.

                We pulled into our driveway and I got out of the car with my stuff. I followed dad and Connor inside and to the kitchen. Noah, my other dad, was just starting dinner.

                You see, I had been adopted by Max and Noah as a baby. We all had, Connor, Mackenzie, and I. They were a married gay couple and I loved them. I never brought people to my house because they always stared at my dads.

                My dads had enough shit to handle, what with a homophobic society, and I wasn’t going to give them anymore shit to worry about. They had worked hard to raise the 3 of us.

                “JJ has a new friend,” Max said with a smile at me. When we were only with one of them, we just called them “dad”. When we were with both of them, we called them Max and Noah. Either that or “dad” and “daddy”.

                “Does he?” Noah asked with a smile of his own. “I guess. His name is Milo. He’s new. I wouldn’t exactly call him a friend,” I said and sat down at the counter. No, Milo was more of an incredibly attractive stranger.

                I had sent Pat over to invite him with us after school. I was curious about this kid. I hadn’t ever seen a boy as attractive as Milo before. I was gay and I wasn’t ashamed of it. I didn’t brag about it, but I wasn’t hiding it. I was gay and proud as fuck.

                “Dad, what are we having for dinner?” Connor asked curiously, still incredibly hyper. Max and Noah had told him he wasn’t allowed to have energy drinks but he always snuck them, got hyper as fuck, and got lectured the next day.

                “Tacos. It’s all I can make. You know that,” Noah said and ruffled Connor’s hair. Mackenzie came down the stairs and sat next to me. “Hey JJ,” she said with a smile. “Hi Kenz,” I said and folded my arms over the counter, resting my head on it casually.

                Kenz was straight. Living with gay dads didn’t make you automatically gay. Connor seemed straight for the most part. He had shown a very slight interest in men. Who knew. It might go away by the time he was a teenager or it might progress.

                Connor walked by and I stuck out my foot. He stumbled and barely managed to catch himself from falling down onto the floor. He glared at me.

                “Dad! JJ tripped me!” Connor whined. Noah frowned at me. “JJ! Come on, leave him alone,” he said. “He shouldn’t have had an energy drink. Then maybe I wouldn’t have been annoyed enough to trip him,” I said with a slight shrug.

                “Oh stop it JJ. What’s got you in a mood?” Max asked. “I’m not in a mood daddy,” I said. Most boys my age would feel uncomfortable calling their father “daddy” but I was used to it. We all were.

                What had me in a mood was that the most attractive boy I’d ever had the privilege of laying my eyes on was more than likely straight. It would be just my luck. A straight tease, just for JJ.

                “Awww dip. We need a family grocery visit. I forgot to buy the meat. And the taco shells,” Noah said with a deep frown. Ah Noah. Forgetful idiot. That was my dad.

                We all got in the car and started to Wal-Mart. We did just about everything as a family. Max and Noah were extremely family oriented and, honestly, I didn’t mind it.

                We got out of the car and Max and Noah grabbed hands. Max put his arm around Connor and Connor smiled and snuggled up against his side.

                We entered the store and people stared at Max and Noah. They ignored everyone’s stares and continued walking to get the food.

                “Check out the fags,” a kid I recognized from school said, not quietly either. Max and Noah ignored him as did Connor, but I had a feeling that was only because Max had his arm around him.

                Kenz and I spun around instantly, glaring. I walked over and grabbed the kid, Derek, by the front of shirt and pulled him up close. “You better shut your fucking mouth you homophobic piece of shit,” I growled dangerously.

                He seemed a little afraid. “And if I don’t?” he challenged, acting tough. I didn’t bother fucking around with him. I just flat out punched him as hard as I fucking could and dropped him. “Don’t insult my dads you dumb fuck,” I snapped and walked away. Kenz followed me.

                Luckily, no one had seen me hit him and Max and Noah had walked into the next isle without noticing. “Kenz, JJ, go grab the taco shells will ya?” Noah asked. “What’s in it for me?” Kenz asked slyly. “I feed you Noah Hottie’s world famous tacos,” he said with a wink.

                “You wish they were world famous dad,” she said laughing. She grabbed my hand and pulled me off to get the shells with her. I was in a mood now. I hated it so much when people made fun of my dads. Like, legit, grow the fuck up already.

                We entered the isle with the taco shells and began to look around. I heard someone’s footsteps and looked up…and right into Milo’s eyes. 

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