My Heart Is Not Homophobic {24}

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                                                                                ***JJ’s POV***

                I walked into school the next day holding Milo’s hand. I saw my friends and kissed him. “Good luck,” he mumbled against my lips before releasing my hand. I hugged him before making my way over to my friends. I had decided it would be safer to talk to Pat after school at his house. If he got mad, his dad could get him.

                “JJ…the fuck are you doing?” Pat demanded angrily, glaring at me. “I saw you kissing that fucker! He insulted you, JJ!” I stared at him and shrugged. “I worked everything out with him.”

                “Good for you, JJ. As long as you’re happy. But if he fucks with you, we’ll kick his sorry ass,” Gabe said, slapping me on the back. I nodded. “Thanks Gabe,” I said. Felix was staring at the wall with a blank look on his face.

                “Dammit JJ! He was talking shit about you!” Pat cried. Felix snapped out of his blank look and glanced at Pat. He frowned deeply, disappointment clear in his eyes.

                I resisted the urge to glare at him. “Don’t question it, Pat. I worked everything out with him, and I’m happy,” I hissed. Ha. That was a lie. I wasn’t happy. Pat was one of my closest friends. Why would he hurt me like that? Why?

                The day went slow, but finally ending. I got in the car with Gabe, Felix, and Pat. We drove to the Cash’s house and went inside. “I need to talk to you, Pat,” I said quietly. “Can we go in your room?” He gave me a questioning look before nodding and leading me up there.

                “What do you need to talk to me about?” he asked curiously. “I want to know why you sent those texts,” I said simply. His eyes flashed dangerously. The look in them was the same one we always ignored. The one that secretly scared me. There was definitely something wrong with Pat, whether I wanted to admit it or not.

                “Why would you say that, JJ?” he hissed. “You know I wouldn’t do that.” “Milo’s adopted. He wouldn’t have said that to me. I know it was you Pat. Just tell me why you did it,” I whispered.

                Suddenly, his eyes were blazing. He locked his bedroom door and smirked at me. “Why? Because I wanted to date you, JJ. Because I’m in love with you. And I deserve to have you!”

                I tried to keep a calm composure. “Pat, please calm down. I just don’t like you like that, okay? You’re still one of my best friends though.”

                His eyes blazed more and he grinned and shook his head. “Nu uh JJ. You’re not dating that bastard. He’ll hurt you. I won’t. I wouldn’t hurt you if we dated. But we’re not dating right now, so don’t tempt me you stupid fuck.”

                “Pat…look, let’s go downstairs, okay?” I said causally. “We’re not leaving this room until you tell me that you won’t date that kid!” he snapped. “Pat, I’m not breaking up with Milo. Something’s wrong with you,” I said, becoming scared. That look in his eyes was terrifying.

                “There’s nothing wrong with me!” he exploded before jumping at me. We crashed to the ground together and he began to throw punches at me. “There’s nothing wrong with me!” he started screaming over and over again.

                His bedroom door handle began to rattle and then someone was pounding on it. “Pat! Patrick open up!” his dad boomed furiously. “Open the damn door!”

                “Uncle Owen!” I cried. “Owen help!” Pat was fucking insane. “Pat, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I cried, trying to get him off me. I didn’t want to hurt him, but that was turning into the only way to get to the door.

                I punched him in the face and kicked him off me. “Ugh!” he cried as he rolled off me to clutch his stomach in pain. I got to the door and felt his hands on my ankle. Before he could pull me back down, I managed to unlock the door.

                Pat dragged me to the ground and jumped on me, his eyes blazing so hard I was afraid they would erupt into fire as he began to hit me again. The door was flung open and Gabe, Felix, and Owen spilled into the room.

                “Get off him!” Owen roared and yanked Pat off me. Gabe hurried over and helped me up. “Are you okay?” he asked in concern and I nodded, my nose and lip bleeding. “I’m okay,” I said, glancing at Pat.

                Owen was holding him tightly as he struggled. “Let me go!” he cried angrily. “Pat, calm the fuck down!” Owen snapped. Pat was glaring at me. “Take it back!” he cried. “Take it back JJ!”

                “I’m sorry Pat. But you just proved it,” I said quietly. “There’s nothing wrong with me!” he shrieked, desperation slipping into his voice. “I’m normal! I swear I am!”

                Oh god. Milo was right. Pat had sent the texts and Pat did have mental issues. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, but something definitely was. I didn’t hate him though. I suddenly felt bad. We had neglected it for so long, and he was obviously getting worse.

                “Pat, calm down,” Owen said gently. “Please.” “There’s nothing wrong with me dad! There’s nothing wrong with me!” he screamed, looking terrified as he struggled in Owen’s arms.

                Owen sighed. “Only my kid,” he grumbled and gripped Pat tightly as he began to drag him out of the room. “Dad stop!” Pat cried furiously. “Let me go! I’m normal! I’m fucking normal!”

                Still, Owen continued to drag him out of the room. Pat shot me a look. “This ain’t over, JJ,” he hissed dangerously. And suddenly, I felt terrified. Holy shit. He wasn’t afraid to beat the shit out of Milo to scare him away.


A.N.- Guys...Guess what I'm so slow that I just realized...

JJ = Pierce

Pat = Andre

Milo = Max


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