My Heart Is Not Homophobic {30}

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                I stormed over to Pat and Gabe. I grabbed Gabe and dragged him away so we could be alone. “Why is he at school?” I demanded. “Our mom sent him. Dad had to work,” he said with a shrug. “Why did you tell Milo? You weren’t there, Gabe!” I snapped.

                “Yea I was, JJ! And if dating you keeps him sane, then I’ll help him date you!” he cried angrily and shoved me off of him. “He’s already mental, Gabe! Dating me won’t help him! And fucking up my relationship with Milo won’t help me!” I cried furiously.

                “He’s my brother, JJ! I’m going to do whatever I can to help him!” Gabe snapped. His eyes weren’t crazy. They were desperate. Desperate for me to understand and help him.

                “What if it was your little brother, JJ? Wouldn’t you do anything to help Connor?” His eyes were starting to water. “My dad wants to send my little brother away. Wants to lock him up. I’ll do anything to keep him from locking Pat up. He’s not cr…He’s okay. He’s my brother.”

                I looked at him sympathetically. “Gabe, if I believed that dating him would really help him, I might do it. But it won’t. He has mental problems. Now excuse me while I go talk to Milo to fix this shit,” I said before walking away from him.

                Pat grabbed my arm. “Don’t. I know what you’re going to do. Don’t do it, JJ. I’ll leave him alone if you do,” he said with a cruel smirk. I shook him off me. “You’re not Pat,” I hissed. “You’re not the Patrick Cash I grew up with. Unless you’re him, don’t fucking talk to me!”

                I stormed away from him and searched around until I found Milo talking to River at lunch time. “Milo! Please hear me out!” I begged. “What?” he asked quietly.

                “Yes, I kissed Pat. I admit that. But it wasn’t to cheat on you!” I said and explained everything as best I could, knowing it sounded crazy and made up.

                “Then why didn’t you just tell me?” he asked. “Because…I guess I was afraid this would happen. Fuck me,” I said with a sigh. “JJ, I don’t really understand. I understand what you were hoping to do, and I understand that you’re willing to try anything but…I don’t know. At least let me know next time so that I don’t have to hear it from Pat and Gabe,” he said quietly and took my hand.

                I leaned down to kiss him, and he slightly moved away. I mentally sighed. I was in trouble. I was such an idiot.

                Afterschool, I took the bus home. I opened the front door and moved towards the stairs so I could go to my room. “JJ!” Noah called. I sighed and went into the kitchen. “What?” I asked quietly. He frowned. “Are you okay, JJ?”

                I shook my head slowly. “What’s wrong?” Max asked, also frowning. I sighed before explaining everything to them.

                “Yea…Owen called us about Pat. They’re talking to a doctor and considering sending him away. I think they’ll do it if he does one more crazy thing. As for Milo, you can’t really blame him. That was kind of stupid of you, JJ,” Max said and ran a hand through his hair.

                I dropped my head in defeat. He hugged me tightly. “Hey, everyone makes mistakes. It’ll blow over, okay? Trust me. He’ll still love you,” he said with an encouraging smile. Noah nodded in agreement. “Just don’t do anything else stupid!” he warned.

                “Thanks guys,” I mumbled. “JJ, I really hope everything works out for you,” Max said sincerely and Noah nodded. “Yea, you deserve to be happy,” he said and they both hugged me before I went upstairs.

                                                                                ***Milo’s POV***

                I knocked on the door and Owen answered. He looked surprised. “Milo!” he said. “Hi Mr. Cash. Is Pat here? I really need to talk to him. It’s important,” I said quietly. He hesitated before leading me inside.

                I followed him upstairs to a bedroom. He unlocked a closet door and paused. “I’ll be outside,” he said quietly before opening the door and motioning me in.

                I entered and Pat looked up at me. “You,” he hissed and a cruel smirk found its way onto his face. “You tried to fuck up things between JJ and I,” I said flatly. “Hey, he kissed me first,” Pat said with a shrug. “To try to help you. Why can’t you leave us alone?” I asked quietly.

                He started laughing. The sound terrified me and made the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms stand straight up. It was scary as fuck, to put it quite simply.

                “I’ll fuck you up, Milo. I’ll fucking kill you if I have to. Don’t test me,” he snarled, the smirk still on his face. “Leave us alone,” I said as fiercely as I could. “We’re happy together.”

                He moved towards me and slammed me up against the door. “I’ll kill you if you say that again. He’s not happy with you,” he growled dangerously. “We’re happy,” I hissed. He slammed me against the door again and shot his hands at my throat.

                I grabbed his wrists and tried to keep him off me. “DON’T YOU SAY THAT!” he screamed furiously. “Don’t!”

                The door opened and I fell out. Owen caught me and shoved Pat off me. He gave Pat a dirty look before slamming the closet door shut and locking it.

                We walked downstairs silently. “Bye Milo,” he said quietly when we reached the door. “Bye Mr. Cash,” I said and left the house. I sighed. Great. Now the mentally insane 15 year old wanted to kill me. I needed to talk to JJ. 

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