My Heart Is Not Homophobic {6}

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                “JJ’s got a date! JJ’s got a date!”

                I sighed in irritation. “Shut up Connor! It’s not a date! We’re just babysitting Uncle Pierce’s kids!” I snapped, my hands itching to slap his sorry face.

                A hand gripped mine gently and I looked up into Max’s softly smiling face. “Control,” he whispered when Connor’s back was turned. “He’s just a kid.” “Damn annoying kid,” I grumbled and Max chuckled. “You love him, and you know it. I always thought Noah was annoying.”

                Noah stuck his tongue out. “You loved me Maxi! I was never annoying.” “Ah shut up you two,” I said jokingly. Noah came over and Max wrapped his arms around him. They shared a deep kiss and I smiled a little.

                I always dreamed of one day finding love like they had. Fierce, unafraid, and honest. They had been together for over 20 years. They pulled away from their kiss and smiled at each other. “I love you Noah Hottie,” Max whispered. “Ditto kiddo,” Noah whispered and kissed him again.

                “Dad! Are you excited about JJ’s date?” Connor asked smugly. Noah raised his eyebrows. “JJ has a date? But…but…boys have cooties!” he cried in terror. “JJ, don’t touch boys and their cooties!”

                I rolled my eyes. “You’re a friggin spaz dad,” I said and joking shoved him. “Oh god you have my cooties on your hands!” he cried. I glanced at Max. “So that wasn’t an earthquake I heard last night?” Max turned a deep red and Noah winked. “Nope. It was us sharing cooties.” We all burst out laughing, except for a confused looking Connor.

                “Come on, I’ll take you to pick up your date and drop you off at Pierce’s. Just remember: If you’re feeling funky, wrap your monkey,” Noah said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes and walked outside and got in the car with him.

                Noah cranked the volume to a Dot Dot Curve CD and he and I smiled and started screaming along with IBangWithNoPants. “Ah the good old stuff!” he said happily.

                We pulled up outside of Milo’s house and he came outside and got in the backseat. “Hiya Milo!” Noah said with a bright smile as he backed out of the driveway. “Uh, hello,” Milo said. “I’m Noah. I’ll be your driver for tonight. Buckle up, because I suck.”

                I rolled my eyes. “He’s not kidding Milo. Hang on tight.” Milo laughed a little and put on his seatbelt as we started down the road. Noah drove us to Pierce’s house and got out of the car with us.

                He walked us up to the door and we rang the doorbell. Pierce answered and grinned. “Noah. You son of a bitch!” Noah smirked and they gave each other a friendly hug. “I present you with le babysitters,” he said and bowed, sweeping his hand at us.

                “Come on in boys. JJ, you know the drill. I have to go meet my wife at a restaurant now before she divorces me for forgetting,” he said with a wink and left the house, starting up a quick conversation with Noah as he shut the door.

                “JJ! JJ! JJ!” Richie jumped into my arms and I held him carefully. “Hi Richie. Do you remember Milo from yesterday?” Richie looked at him and concentrated for a second. “Yes! I do! I do JJ! I do!”

                “Good,” I said and adjusted him so that I could hold him better. “Milo, Richie is obviously the youngest. He’s 4,” I said. “4 and a half!” he argued angrily. “4 and a half,” I corrected and he nodded in approval. “Anyways, he’s not allowed to have junk food and his bed time is 9,” I said.

                “E-yuh! Ozzy! Ripper! Get your butts down here!” I called. A minute later, Ozzy and Ripper entered the room. Ripper smirked, that look back in his eyes.

                “Milo, that’s Ozzy. He’s 7. He’s really quiet. His bed time is also 9, but he can push for 10 if he wants. He can have a snack but not after 8. And that’s Ripper. He’s 8. Don’t ever take anything he says to heart. Same thing as with Ozzy.”

                Ripper smirked widely. “E-yuh, we got 2 cock sucking babysitters, eh?” I rolled my eyes. “We call it gay you 3 foot nuisance.” He chuckled. “It’s alright JJ. I take it you do most of the sucking since most people choke on small objects?”

                I shrugged. “Yea. That’s why you’re never getting a blow job.” I walked over to Milo and set Richie down. “Just keep an eye on him while I deal with the wide mouthed wonder,” I said, right up in Milo’s face. Milo nodded shakily and I was scarily aware of how close our lips were.

                Then someone pushed me from behind and I stumbled into Milo. The next thing I knew, our lips were touching and I was on top of him on the ground. 

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