My Heart Is Not Homophobic {16}

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                I grabbed JJ’s hand after school the next day and he let me down to the Cash’s car. We got in the backseat together with Gabe, Pat, and Felix. “Felix, can we go to your place quick? I left my cigarettes there,” Pat said and Felix shrugged.

                “Sure. Hey, pigs are usually killed by having their heads-” “Felix, shut up! No one wants to hear your ranting,” JJ said, rolling his eyes. Felix pouted. “I don’t rant!” “Bullshit,” Pat said with a snort. “Yo JJ, you up for some legal this weekend?”

                I glanced at JJ and saw something flash in his eyes. He gave Pat a distrusting look. “No. I don’t like legal.” “Drugs are bad,” I said, so silently that only JJ heard me. “I rarely do drugs, though I’m definitely not a temple,” he said with a slight shrug.

                Gabe pulled into the driveway of a simple, nice-looking house. “Come on,” JJ said and pulled me out of the car. We all went to the door and Felix tried opening. “What the fuck is wrong with this woman?” he grumbled as he knelt down and pulled a key out from under the welcome mat.

                He stuck it in the keyhole and shoved the door open. “Mom! Why do you lock the door?” he called out in annoyance. “So I don’t get robbed and shanked!” a woman’s voice called back, and Felix rolled his eyes.

                A woman appeared and gave me a curious look. “Felix, who’s your friend?” she asked. “Ma, this is Milo. He’s JJ’s new toy. You get a lot of toys for Christmas when you’re little. Obesity is a huge problem in America. Animals have a lot of hor-”

                “Felix! Stop talking,” his mom said, shaking her head. “Nice to meet you Milo. I’m Mrs. Green,” she shook my hand. “Nice to meet you too ma’am,” I said with a small smile.

                “Pat left his wallet here,” Felix said and opened his mouth to start another random rant, but his mom slapped her hand over his mouth. “Felix, it’s not Wednesday, but don’t make me treat you like it is,” she said, a warning in her eyes. He pouted and pulled her hand away from his mouth as JJ, Pat, and Gave snickered at him.

                “You’re just jealous you don’t have as much knowledge as me!” he whined. “That’s nice honey,” his mom said, ignoring him and walking away. Felix rolled his eyes again before leading us upstairs to his bedroom.

                It was messy, with clothes thrown all over the floor. “What’s so special about Wednesdays?” I asked curiously. JJ snickered again. “Every Wednesday, his mom drug tests him. If he acts really weird, she’ll drug test him. And sometimes she just surprise drug tests him. He’s been clean ever since River sold him out.”

                “Fucking tattle tale! Who cares if I smoke a little weed? It didn’t hurt anybody,” Felix said with a frown as Pat drug around under Felix’s bed and produced a pack of cigarettes. He shoved them in his pocket with a nod and a smirk.

                “Alright, let’s go bitches,” he said. We left Felix’s room and went back downstairs. “Mom, I’m going to Pat and Gabe’s house!” he called. “Call me when you need a ride home Felix!” his mom called back as we left the house and got back in the car.

                Gabe drove us to his house and JJ and I got out of the car together again. “Do you hang out here a lot?” I asked curiously as we entered the house and JJ nodded. “Yea, their parents are like family to me. I grew up with Gabe and Pat. Our dads grew up together, too.”

                “Yea, my dad had a crush on his dad,” Pat said and he and Gabe laughed. “Fuck that man, we wouldn’t be here if dad had gotten with Max,” Gabe said, shaking his head.

                “My life would be so much better,” Mr. Cash said with a sigh, coming into the living room where we were sitting. “Shut up dad,” Gabe said, rolling his eyes. “Make me, ya little shit,” he said, grinning.

                “Dad! JJ got a boyfriend,” Pat said, smirking at us. “Oh? Who?” Mr. Cash asked curiously. “This kid is guilty,” JJ said, jerking his thumb at me. Mr. Cash smiled. “Good. I’m happy for you two,” he said, sincerely.

                “Boys, do you have homework?” a woman asked, entering the room and going over to Mr. Cash. He wrapped an arm around her and sighed. “And to think; I could’ve just married Max and never been with this twat. Look at the children you produce. They’re just some little dumbass shits.”

                “Owen!” she cried angrily and punched him. “Stop it!” He laughed and pulled her out of the room as she began to yell at him more.

                “Our parents,” Pat started. “Are dumbasses,” Gabe finished with a sigh. “All of our families are fucking weird. Gabe and I are probably the only normal kids,” JJ said and Pat pouted. “Shut up JJ. I’m not as bad as Ripper. Dude, Uncle Pierce’s kids are fucked up.”

                JJ leaned down and randomly kissed me. I smiled a little before turning back to the others. But right as I turned back, I saw Pat forcing jealousy out of his eyes. 

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