My Heart Is Not Homophobic {20}

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                                                                                ***Pat’s POV***

                “He’s hanging out with Roman,” I said as we sat in my bedroom. Gabe was taking a shower, so it was just me, Felix, and JJ. “I know,” JJ said quietly, pain in his eyes. But I ignored it. It was temporary.

                “He’s going to use Roman to try to make you jealous,” I pointed out. More pain entered his eyes but he shrugged weakly. “Whatever. I don’t care. He insulted you guys.”

                And suddenly, a thought hit me. I glanced at Felix and mentally smirked. “JJ, you don’t want him to hurt you. I don’t want him to hurt you. So we need to make sure he doesn’t. He’s going to try to make you jealous, get back with you, and do it again,” I said, acting sympathetic.

                “How would I make sure of that, Pat?” he asked miserably. I tried not to laugh. “It’s easy JJ. You need to hurt him. Maybe no physically, I guess. But crush him, just like he crushed you. Break that bastard before he comes back to break you,” I said fiercely.

                He looked up, unease in his eyes. A slight determination appeared and he nodded, his eyes hardening. “Yea,” he hissed. “Yea, I will.” The adoption thing. I knew JJ was extremely sensitive about his being adopted. So I used that to attack him. He must despise Milo right now. Good. He would chase him away and then it was all me.

                “Yea man, crush him,” Felix said, picking up on the looks I was shooting him. “Don’t let him get back to you, JJ. It won’t end well,” I said with a concerned look. Ha. Crush that bastard for me, JJ. Saves me some work.

                “We’ll help you. Right Gabe?” I asked as Gabe entered in just his shorts, his hair dripping wet. He glanced at us curiously. “Help with what?” he asked, flipping his hair out of his face, causing water to splash on my face. I wiped it off unconcerned. “Help us break that stupid Milo fucker for what he said to JJ,” I said and Gabe shrugged and glanced at JJ.

                “I’ll do whatever you want, JJ. I’ll back you up,” he said and sat on my bed. “Put a shirt on, faget,” I said. “Looks who’s talking gay boy,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me. “I’m bisexual, you fucktard,” I said with an annoyed sigh. “Get it right.”

                “Pat…do you think he misses me?” JJ asked me quietly. “No,” I said. “Because if he missed you, he wouldn’t have hurt you.” His head dropped in defeat, but I knew he would crush Milo. He would force that bastard away from him.

                I smirked to myself. Milo, prepare to have your heart ripped out and shredded.

                                                                                ***Milo’s POV***

                “God, that’s so mean!” Roman cried as we walked towards his house. I had just told him what Pat had done. “And we’re pretty sure Felix is in on it too,” I said and Roman frowned deeply. “That’s so mean. I always thought they seemed nice.”

                He paused. “Well, maybe not Pat. I mean, he seemed nice, sure, but sometimes he just seemed…I don’t know. I personally would have been uncomfortable trusting him. I feel bad saying that because I don’t really know him but…he just has a look about him.” I nodded, understand exactly what he meant.

                He led me up to a small, slightly rundown house and hesitated with a sigh. “Sorry about my parents,” he mumbled apologetically as he opened the front door and led me inside. We took our shoes off and began to walk down a hallway.

                “So even after it happened twice, JJ still doesn’t believe that Pat’s the one sending the text messages?” he asked and I shrugged helplessly. “River thinks he knows but he just doesn’t want to accept it. I can kind of understand that, but it’s stupid of him. Pat’s obviously not out for his best interest, not to sound stuck up.”

                Roman shook his head. “No, I understand what you mean. And I completely agree with you. Pat needs to be exposed to JJ if he’s really that nasty,” he said and ran a hand through his hair.

                “Roman. Who said you could have a friend over?” a woman asked, coming out and shooting Roman a dirty look. “We have to work on a project together for school, Rachel,” Roman lied. “You should’ve called to let us know, then,” the woman, Rachel, snapped in annoyance.

                “I’m sorry,” Roman said sincerely. “I don’t have my cell phone. My dad took it away, remember?” “Borrow one!” Rachel snapped. Roman shrank back a little. “Sorry,” he said quietly.

                “Go to your room. Go! And I’m telling your father!” she cried angrily. “Sorry Rachel,” Roman said again before grabbing my arm and pulling me to a small bedroom.

                “Sorry about her,” he said with a sigh as he shut his bedroom door. “She’s my stepmom. I don’t really like her. She’s mean. My dad’s not usually a mean guy. Only when he’s around her,” he said with another sigh.

                “What about your real mom?” I asked curiously. He got a sad smile. “She died of cancer when I was 9,” he said with a slight shrug. “Oh,” I said awkwardly. He laughed. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Anyways, it’s safer if we just hang out in my room while we’re here. She’s going to piss my dad off at me.”

                He looked around curiously. “Sorry. This is boring. I shouldn’t have brought you here. We should’ve gone somewhere else,” he said as we sat on his bed. I laughed. “It’s okay Roman; I don’t mind,” I said truthfully. I liked being with Roman. He was so sweet.

                He hesitated before smiling and putting his arm around me. “Just tell me if you get bored. We can always just leave.” I shrugged. “I’m fine here,” I said and smiled. He smiled at me wider. “Good. I don’t want to bore you.”

                “You know, I’ll help you expose Pat, if you want. I don’t like what he did to you and River,” Roman said after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I smiled. “Thank you, Roman,” I said, aware of how close our faces were. I blushed heavily as he nodded, nearly pressing our lips together. Oh shit. I don’t think JJ was the only one I had feelings for…


A.N.- IMPORTANT. Since you all hate Pat so much, I want you to comment something that you want to happen to him :) (Like, you want him to get hit by a car or jumped or something, and yes, you can suggest those) BUT it has to be realistic. He's not gonna get shot by a unicorn -.- And who knows, I might just do it to him ;) So keep it real, and it might happen to him as payback ;) 

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