My Heart Is Not Homophobic {11}

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                                                                                ***Pat’s POV***

                I was determined to get Milo and JJ together, and Gabe and Felix were going to help me do it. As long as they got together, I knew JJ wouldn’t question it. He knew how I worked. He was off who knew where right now.

                “Go find Milo. Rant to him, whatever. I don’t give a fuck. Just make sure he stays away from the art wing,” I instructed Felix. He nodded and grinned before heading off to find and distract Milo. I turned to Gabe. “You go find JJ. Distract him. Keep him away from the art wing, and away from wherever Milo is.” Gabe nodded and left to find JJ without questioning me.

                Grinning, I went down the art wig of the school and into one of the rooms. It was empty seeing as it was before school. But one person was in here, just like always.

                “Hey Roman!” I said cheerfully and he faced me. “Hi!” he said politely. “You’re…Gabe?” “Pat,” I corrected. “But Gabe’s my brother, so close enough. So you and Milo are dating?”

                He shook his head. “Oh, no! We’re just friends,” he said with a smile. But I saw the look in his eyes. Yea, they were just friends. But he wished they were more.

                “Really? Heard you guys were holding hands,” I said and he blushed a little. “Uh…yea. But w-we’re not dating.” He was blushing even more now and I mentally grinned. Got em.

                “Are you guys talking?” He shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Man, that’s weird,” I said with a sad sigh. “What’s weird?” he asked in confusion.

                I shrugged. “Just, you know, that he was looking pretty serious with JJ Hottie, and now he’s looking pretty serious with you. He and JJ kissed a few times, even. We really thought they were going to date. JJ still thinks they’re going to date. Milo is still leading him on,” I lied casually.

                Roman seemed shocked. “R-Really? Milo didn’t seem like that kind of person…” “Oh, I know. I didn’t think so either. But I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I just don’t want anyone getting hurt. JJ’s like family,” I said with another shrug.

                He ran a nervous hand through his hair. “Well, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I’ll, uh, break things off with Milo so that no one gets hurt,” he said quietly. “You would really do that?” I asked with wide eyes and he nodded. “Yea. I don’t really know JJ Hottie, but he seems nice enough.”

                “Thank you so much Roman. I just don’t want to see him get hurt. I can’t tell you how thankful I am,” I lied sincerely. What a fucking joke. I can’t believe he actually believed me. He was cute as fuck, but not too bright, I guess.

                “Um, no problem Pat. I’ll go find him right now,” he said quietly. “Thanks Roman. Just…don’t mention mine or JJ’s names. I don’t want him to be mad at us.” He nodded and left the art room. I whipped out my cell and called Felix.

                “Hello?” he answered merrily. “You with Milo?” I asked. “Yes sir!” he said. “Get away from him. Fast. But not too far. Stay in earshot. Hell’s coming.” “Sure thing,” he said, and I could hear the smirk in his voice as he hung up.

                I left the art wing and searched around until I had found Gabe and JJ. “Hey guys,” I said casually as I stood next to them. “What’s up Pat?” Gabe asked. “Oh, not much,” I said with a smirk. JJ looked at me with knowing eyes. “Hey JJ, I think Pierce needs you to babysit tonight. And you might need a little help,” I said smugly.

                                                                                ***Milo’s POV***

                “Well, this has been fun, but I have to go flirt like a mother fucker,” Felix said with a wink before walking to a girl nearby. Confused but still slightly amused by him, I shook my head.

                “Milo! There you are,” Roman said and came over to me. I smiled widely at him. “Hiya Roman!” But I frowned when I saw the look on his face. “What’s wrong Roman?” I asked nervously.

                “Milo…I think we should stop, uh, getting close. Ya know. I mean, we should just stay friends. I, uh, don’t want anything more,” he said nervously and my heart dropped a little. We had been working our way up to more than friends…And I had really been starting to like Roman.

                “Oh. Okay,” I whispered, feeling crushed. “Don’t take it too hard, please. I’m just not ready for anything more than a friend,” he said awkwardly. “Um, I have to get to class. But I’ll see you later,” he said after a moment of awkward silence. He hurried away and I watched with sad eyes before turning and making my slow way to first period.


                I turned at JJ’s voice and he came up to me. “Pierce wants to know if you want to help me babysit again tonight?” I shrugged and nodded. “Sure,” I said, trying not to act so damn miserable. “Awesome,” he mumbled before walking away from me. 

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