My Heart Is Not Homophobic {7}

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The picture is Johnathan Brandis [RIP] as Roman :/ 


                I was so surprised that I didn’t pull away for a few seconds. But then I realized what was happening and I rolled off him and turned. Ripper was shaking with laughter, his face a brilliant red from holding it in.

                “YOU FUCKER!” I exploded and took off after him. He yelped and started running. He hit the stairs and made it up them. I reached my hand out and almost caught him. Almost.

                Instead, he ran into his room and slammed the door. He locked it and I helplessly rattled the handle and pounded my fists on the door. “LET ME IN!” I screamed. “JJ and Milo sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” he screamed back, laughing happily.

                “I’ll get you back Tony! You bet your ass I’ll get you back!” I threatened before storming back downstairs. “Are you okay Milo?” I asked. He nodded. He was standing up again, wiping his glasses on his shirt. “Yea. Are you?” I nodded. We fell into an awkward silence.

                “JJ?” Richie asked timidly. “What Richie?” I asked. “Can I wear my new sneakers to Ripper’s funeral?” I smirked a little. Smart kid.

                “Whatever,” I growled.  The rest of the night passed uneventful. Ripper stayed in his room, not saying another word. He probably knew I’d kill him if he did. Richie fell asleep early and Ozzy wasn’t much of a talker, so we all awkwardly watched TV, Ozzy eventually falling asleep on my shoulder.

                Milo and I barely spoke to each other. Pierce, his wife, and Noah came into the house around 11 and found us sitting in the living room, Ozzy breathing gently with his head on my shoulder and his eyes shut. The kid was fast asleep.

                “Well look at the mute,” Pierce said with a grin. “Pierce!” his wife, Katie, said with a glare. She smacked him in the chest. “Don’t call him the mute! You’re going to hurt his feelings!”

                “Come on boys. I’ll bring you home Milo,” Noah said. “Thank you sir,” Milo said. “Aw, none of that sir crap. Just call me Noah! Tis my name.” Noah gave him a goofy grin and I rolled my eyes. “Alright then Noah. Shut up and let’s go,” I said.

                Pierce moved in and carefully lifted Ozzy from the couch. His eyes fluttered open. “Daddy?” he asked, his voice thick with sleep. “Shhh Ozzy, go back to sleep,” Pierce said gently and began to carry him upstairs.

                I got up and Milo followed me. “Bye Katie,” Noah said and hugged her. She smiled. “Bye JJ. Thank you so much for watching the kids. And you’re Milo right? Pleased to meet you. Thank you!” She shook Milo’s hand and hugged me. “No problem Aunt Katie,” I said.

                Pierce came back down and shook Milo’s hand. “Thank you so much Milo,” he said with a smile. “It was no problem Mr. Harts,” Milo said quietly. “And thank you JJ,” Pierce said and gave me a one armed hug.

                “Bye Noah. You guys tell that crazy mother fucker Maxi that I said hi,” he said with a smile. “Pierce Harts! Can you ever watch your language?” Katie asked with a stern look. “Jesus it’s like living with my dad,” Pierce said, rolling his eyes. “You remember that Noah? That time we got in the car accident and my dad yelled at me for swearing in the hospital?” Noah laughed and nodded. “Yea, and you and Max gave us all heart attacks what with the blood.”

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