My Heart Is Not Homophobic {17}

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                                                                                ***Pat’s POV***

                “I don’t like him,” I said to Felix as we sat in my room. “Why not, dude? They just started dating,” he said curiously. “I don’t trust him. That’s all. He and JJ need to break up. Just trust me, Felix,” I said, shooting him a look. He shrugged. “Whatever, Pat. That’s your thing.”

                “JJ’s your friend too. It’s our thing. We’re going to break them up and drive that kid away, and you’re going to help me.” “How? Are you going to text yourself off his phone?” Felix asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “That’d be too obvious. Then JJ would know that River’s telling the truth.”

                I shook my head, my eyes widening a little. “No. But Felix, you’re a fucking genius! I’ll text JJ off of Milo’s phone! It’s so simple it’s brilliant!”

                Felix sighed. “Pat, how do you plan to get Milo’s phone? And what are you going to say to JJ?” I smirked. “Oh, you know. Make it seem like he sides with River and talk shit about us. Piss JJ off a little. I know him the best, so I can do the most damage in that department. As for getting the phone, I’ll steal it in health class. Just distract them for me, okay? I’m a master pick pocket,” I said, holding up my dad’s lighter. I had stolen it right out of his pocket earlier today.

                I wanted to date JJ. I had had a crush on him for a long time. Why I had encouraged him to get with Milo, I would never fucking know. JJ was mine, and no one else’s. And I was going to make sure I got him, and that Milo bastard didn’t.

                                                                                ***JJ’s POV***

                I kissed Milo gently and he smiled at me and snuggled closer as we watched Sweeney Todd together at my house. “JJ, um…” He bit his lip nervously. “Was it just me, or was Pat giving us dirty looks?”

                I shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, okay? Pat’s harmless.” Well, that was a complete lie. Patrick Cash could really fuck someone up. But only if they gave him a reason to. He wasn’t that big of an asshole.

                Milo hadn’t given Pat a reason to be pissed off, unlike River. River had busted him for drugs. Milo hadn’t done him any wrong, so he wouldn’t have anything against Milo.

                “Okay,” he said, trusting me. That made me smile a little. Trust. It was something I wasn’t good at, but Milo was already helping me improve.

                It had barely been anytime at all since we started dating, but I could already feel Milo was different. He wouldn’t hurt me. I could just feel it. He wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, at least. Everyone makes mistakes, though, and I was expecting a few of those. It was human nature. But I could tell he would never do anything to hurt me on purpose. He just wasn’t that type of guy. He wanted me to be happy, and I wanted him to be happy. We were good for each other.

                “Hey lovebirds. Dinner’s ready,” Noah said, popping into my room with a smile. I could see the happiness in his eyes. He was sincerely happy that I was with Milo.

                I shifted and got up. “Did Max make dinner?” I asked and Noah pouted and nodded. “Yea, he said I couldn’t ‘cause I was gonna set the house on fire or some crazy shizz like that. You know how crazy that man is.”

                I rolled my eyes. “Go on down, Milo. I’m going to turn the movie off,” I said and he nodded and left my room to go downstairs and eat dinner. I moved to turn the movie off and Noah frowned and gave me a concerned look.

                “Are you okay, JJ?” he asked. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “Dad…you don’t think Pat’s a bad guy, is he? Like, you don’t think he would ever hurt me?”

                He sighed and shrugged. “I think he can be a really, really bad kid. A greasy piece of shit, pardon my French. But I also think he really cares about you and everyone else, and he wouldn’t hurt you guys. He takes after his dad in that respect. Mess with his friends, and he’ll fuck you up properly, pardon my French. But I don’t think he’d try to hurt you, JJ. Why?”

                I shrugged, not wanting to tell him. “Just wondering. Milo thought he was giving us dirty looks today.” Noah hugged me and kissed my forehead. “He’s a greasy piece of shit, but I do love that kid,” he said with a small smile. “And I trust that he wouldn’t hurt you.”


                I went downstairs and Milo and I ate dinner before I kissed him deeply and watched him leave the house. The next day in school, I sat with him in Health, talking casually while River glared at all of us with hate-filled eyes.

                “Aw, how cute. River thinks looks can kill,” Pat snickered. “Fuck off Pat,” he growled dangerously. Pat got a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Fight me, River. Right here, right now. I mother fucking dare you to fight me, you pussy.”

                He glared. “I’m not going to fight you, because that’s exactly what you want.” Pat laughed and shook his head. “Pathetic,” he said and flipped his hair out of his face. “So was stealing my phone to text JJ just because you were jealous,” he grumbled.

                Pat rolled his eyes. I got up and dragged Milo with me. “Where are we going?” he asked curiously. “To get a tissue,” I said simply and grabbed one. I blew my nose and threw it out, getting a squirt of hand sanitizer before grabbing Milo’s hand again.

                “And it was necessary to drag me along because…?” he asked curiously. I shrugged. “Just wanted to. Problem?” He laughed and shook his head. “None at all.”

                I kissed him deeply before sitting down. He gave a nervous smile at River. “Hey, uh, River. Did you do the English essay? I have a question on it,” he said shyly. River seemed shocked but pulled out an essay and began to talk to Milo.

                I mentally sighed. Fine. Let him be friends with the bastard if he wanted. As long as River didn’t fuck the two of us up, I was fine with that.

                Afterschool, I went over to the Cash’s house like always. Milo had told me he had homework to do and couldn’t come. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out and read the text that I had just received as I sat with Pat, Gabe, and Felix.

                From: Milo

                We’re through, you stupid piece of shit. River told me what you did to him, you and those fagets Pat and Gabe. So take your drug addicted fuckers and never talk to me again. You’re adopted because no one wanted your sorry ass besides a couple of confused gays. Fuck off.

                My heart dropped as I read the message. Pain exploded in me. Yea, I was adopted. I said it was no big deal, but it did eat me up inside. Why hadn’t my actual parents wanted me? It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. That was one of my biggest weak spots. I clenched the phone tightly. Oh, that sorry fucker Milo was going to get it tomorrow. I’d break his fucking neck. 

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