My Heart Is Not Homophobic {23}

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                JJ froze and then his eyes narrowed in honest disgust. “Ha, I get it. Let’s make fun of the adopted kid,” he spat and stood up. “What? No! I’m telling the truth!” I cried. “I’m really adopted! My mom, well, my adoptive mom, couldn’t have kids. They adopted me when I was a baby. I swear!”

                “I could beat the shit out of you right now. I’m tempted to,” he growled dangerously. “JJ, please! My parents will even tell you when they get home! Why would they lie about adopting me?” I said, praying to god he would just stay and believe me. I wasn’t lying!

                He shook his head. “Fine, Milo. I’ll stay. But I don’t believe you, you worthless piece of shit. I’ll just entertain you more. Because it’s so fun to make fun of the adopted kid, right?” he said in cruel sarcasm.

                “JJ, I swear I’m telling you the truth. Why would I lie about this?” I whispered. “Because you think you’re funny. You say Pat’s mentally insane, but you’re the one who thinks making fun of an adopted kid is funny,” he spat. “I’m adopted too! I wouldn’t make fun of you!” I cried angrily.

                “Whatever Milo,” he hissed, shaking his head in disgust. “Whatever.” I listened as my front door opened and stood up. “Come on, my parents will tell you,” I said quietly.

                We went downstairs together and it suddenly occurred to me that JJ had never seen my parents before. He didn’t realize that I looked nothing like either of them. Another thought hit me.

                “Pierce knows,” I said, stopping before we reached the living room. JJ shot me a confused look. “Ask Pierce, the one we babysat for. He works with my dad. He’d know, and he’d have no reason to lie to you,” I said before leading him into the living room.

                My “dad” looked up at us. I was used to calling them as my real parents. I had grown up with them, after all. He was reading the paper, but he smiled at us.

                “Hiya Milo.” “Hi dad. This JJ,” I said. Dad knew I had been dating JJ. He had just never met JJ before. “Well hello there JJ,” dad greeted. “Hi,” JJ said quietly.

                “Dad, you work with, uh, Pierce, right?” I asked and he looked up from the paper again. “Pierce Harts?” I glanced at JJ and JJ nodded. “Yea. Pierce Harts,” I confirmed. “Yes I do. Met him on a lot of business trips. Very entertaining guy. Why?” he asked curiously.

                “Did you ever tell him I was adopted?” I asked casually, realizing this was the only way to get JJ to believe me. Dad nodded. “Yep. We were talking about our kids one day. Told me he had 3 little boys, so I told him I had an adopted boy. Why?”

                JJ’s face had gone completely pale. “I was just wondering. Thanks dad,” I said with a smile before leading JJ into the kitchen where my mom was beginning dinner.

                “Hi mom,” I greeted. She turned around and smiled at me. “Hi Milo.” “Mom, this is JJ,” I introduced. “Hello JJ. Nice to meet you,” mom said. “H-Hi,” JJ said and cleared his throat. Ah. Now he saw it.

                My adoptive mom was an incredibly dark Italian woman. My adoptive dad was from dark man from Spain. Me? I was incredibly pale, and my eye color was different than either of theirs. We shared no similar facial features.

                JJ had probably convinced himself that just because a person’s dad was dark, it didn’t mean they had to be. After all, a person could have a dark father and still be completely pale because of their mother. But my parents were both dark. Extremely tanned, especially since we were from Florida where the sun was one hell of a hot fucker.

                “Mom, is it okay if JJ stays for dinner?” I asked and she nodded. “Of course, Milo!” she said and gave JJ a friendly smile. I glanced at him and laughed. “JJ, I don’t look like them because I’m adopted,” I said and mom nodded and smiled at me lovingly.

                “Yea. You told me,” he said, but his voice was going weak. “Let’s go upstairs,” I said and pulled him up to my bedroom, shutting the door and watching him collapse onto my bed.

                “But…that means…no! Pat wouldn’t say that shit to me!” he cried furiously. “He just wouldn’t! We’ve been best friends for years! He wouldn’t ever say that stuff to me!”

                “JJ…he has mental problems. I can tell just by looking at him,” I said quietly. JJ looked at me with terrified eyes. “No…he’s really doesn’t,” he whispered desperately. “We would’ve noticed. His parents would’ve noticed!”

                “Or ignored it,” I said and held his eyes. He finally dropped his gaze from mine. “He acts weird sometimes. But he doesn’t have mental issues! Patrick’s not crazy! And he wouldn’t hurt me like this!” he said fiercely.

                I shrugged helplessly. “I didn’t send you that message, JJ. Talk to Pat. Find out.” He looked at me and bit his lip. “I…Milo I’m…” I shook my head and leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. “I understand. But he’s playing you, JJ. He ruined your friendship with River and tried to ruin our relationship.”

                JJ bit his lip again before pulling me close and kissing me deeply. I welcomed it and wrapped my arms around him. He bit my lower lip and I instantly opened my mouth and allowed his tongue in. He playfully attacked my tongue with his.

                He pushed me back on my bed and crawled on top of me, still making out with me. I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him close to me, wanting him.

                Someone knocked on my door and we jumped apart quickly just as my dad came into the room. “Hey, come help set the table Milo,” he said and I nodded and smiled, my heart hammering in my chest. He left and I got up and grabbed JJ’s hand.

                JJ gulped and kissed me again. “I’ll talk to Patrick about it tomorrow,” he said quietly and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Now I just had to hope everything with JJ and Pat went okay. 

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