My Heart Is Not Homophobic {8}

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                                                                                ***Pat’s POV***

                We got in Gabe’s car at the end of the day and I glanced at JJ. Oh JJ. Stupid, blind JJ. He hadn’t seen it, but I had. Little Milo getting very friendly with Roman. Two incredibly cute guys? Both gay? I wasn’t blind and I surely wasn’t stupid. It was easy to guess what was going to happen to their relationship in the future.

                “Pat, you got cigs?” Gabe asked. I nodded. “Yea, bought em off Ripper,” I said and handed him and JJ one each. How sad was it when an 8 year old stole his dad’s cigarettes and sold them? But an 8 year old was stupid. I bought this shit off him for $5, full pack!

                We lit them and lowered the windows the car could air out and get rid of the smell of smoke as we drove. The last thing Gabe and I needed was to have the car taken away from us for smoking in it.

                “So JJ, you like Milo?” He was definitely showing more of an interest in Milo than he showed in any other guy. He switched Gabe’s iPod so that the car blasted Don’t by Josie Wails.

                “It wasn’t easy asking you to quit cause I’m a addict too. Stuck in a padded room, misery was endless. You are my only definition of what a friend is,” JJ Demon sang as our JJ fell into one of his silent moments. He did that whenever he was thinking of a careful way to answer a question.

                “I don’t know,” he said at last. “He’s cute.” I rolled my eyes. “Well if you like him, make your move before someone else does.” He turned around and gave me a sharp look. “What do you mean?” Ah shit. He thought I meant that I wanted to ask Milo out! He was cute, but I didn’t want a relationship right now. I was bisexual, like my dad, but had just gotten cheated on by my girlfriend a week ago.

                “Roman,” I said simply. JJ seemed a little surprised. “Roman Schlieder?” I nodded. “Mhm. Apparently him and Milo are mates now. It’s interesting, isn’t it?” “How do you know?” he asked.

                “I saw it JJ. Jesus man, you need some fucking glasses if you didn’t see it. Gabe saw it too! Right Gabe?” Gabe nodded as the song on the iPod shifted to Suicide by Josie Wails. “Course. They’ll date eventually,” he said with a shrug.

                “She plays it out in her head what it’d be like if someone were to find her. Perhaps a child, forever scarred by violence,” the song sang.

                The three of us fell into silence for a few moments. We had all seen our fair share of violence. JJ had seen violence towards his dads. Gabe and I had seen our father get violently beaten by his step dad.

                “He wouldn’t get with Roman,” JJ said, breaking the silence. I snorted. “Wanna bet? Hell, I’d bang that shit til it bled.” JJ stared at me like I had just deep throated a fucking hobo. Even Gabe glanced back at me like I was crazy.

                “What? Roman’s cute,” I said defensively as we pulled into the driveway. We entered the house and Gabe sighed. “You’re so weird Pat. Are you sure we’re related?”

                “You better be! Otherwise your mother and I need to have a serious chat,” dad said, coming out with Felix Green trailing behind him. Felix smirked at us. “Your dad and I were having amazing sex in your bed Gabey boy,” he said. Dad nodded. “Hells yea! Deep throat that shit Feefee!”

                Gabe and I glanced at each other before clapping our hands together as if praying. “Please let us have a different father, please let us have a different father,” we begged whatever gods there might be. Dad laughed and hugged us. “Aw shut up ya dip shits. You don’t want me as a dad, and I sure as hell shouldn’t be one. You’d be fucked if you didn’t have your mom,” he said, but his eyes held that look that said he loved us, even if he didn’t know how to raise us right.

                We went with Felix into the living room and sat down, turning on the TV and randomly putting on The Roast Of Charlie Sheen, just for shits and giggles.

                “Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!” Gabe cheered. “Nah man fuck that! Steve-O! Steve-O! Steve-O!” Felix chanted and we laughed at them.

                “Anyways, like I was saying, he’s fucking cute. Are you saying you wouldn’t tap that?” JJ and Gabe shrugged. “Who?” Felix asked curiously. “Roman Schlieder,” I replied and he raised an eyebrow. “You mean that kid that looks like the reincarnation of Johnathan Brandis?” We nodded at him and he chuckled. “Pat, if I were gay, I’d say fuck it with tapping him. Why tap what you can drill?”

                JJ shook his head once he’d stopped laughing. “Man, he wouldn’t date Roman. Roman’s one of those kids you’re too scared you’re going to break. There’s just something about him.” We all agreed on that, but who cares? I knew in my heart that Milo would fall for Roman and they would date and JJ would remain alone, just like always.

                He was basically my cousin. Seeing his social isolation worried me and Gabe. It worried Felix. Hell, it worried my parents, JJ’s parents, and Pierce and Katie. JJ was shut off from the world to protect his dads at the cost of his own social health.

                And suddenly, I knew I wanted to get Milo and JJ together. Milo seemed like a safe kind of kid. The kind that wouldn’t hurt JJ, even if they broke up. He would be gentle with JJ. Maybe he could help JJ work his way back to trusting people. Even if it was a slow process, at least it’d be progress. I looked at Gabe and our eyes met, showing me that we had similar thoughts. I looked at JJ and grinned. 

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