My Heart Is Not Homophobic {12}

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                 “Hello again Milo!” that Noah guy said as I got in the car. “Hello,” I said, a bit quietly. Roman had been on my mind all day. Had I done something wrong? Even if we didn’t date, now being friends would feel awkward too.

                Noah turned on music and we sat in silence until we got to the house. We got out of the car and knocked on the front door. Pierce opened it and shot me and JJ a desperate look.

                “Take them. Holy shit; take the brats,” he cried. “What did they do?” JJ asked. “They won’t leave me alone! Jesus fucking Christ! Every five seconds…’DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!’ I’m going to go crazy if I stay here any longer!”

                “Oh, calm down Pierce. And please stop swearing,” Katie said, coming out. “There’s a little surprise inside for you boys,” she said with a wink before linking her arm with Pierce’s and dragging him out of the house.

                Curiously, JJ and I walked inside. “E-yuh! JJ and Milo are here,” a grinning Pat said. Gabe sat next to him texting. “What are you doing here?” JJ asked. “Just…ya know, helping out,” Pat said with a wink.

                “I’m not. I’ll be back by the time they’re back. Party, here I come,” Gabe said and jumped up. “See ya JJ. See ya little brother,” he said and left the house.

                JJ shook his head. “Well he’s helpful.” Pat laughed and stood up. “He told our mom he was going to help babysit. It’s the only way he could get out of the house to sneak out to a party.”

                “Drunk piece of shit. Where are the kids?” JJ asked. “YO BRATS! WHERE YOU AT?” Pat called. He turned to JJ and grinned. “Oh, and Uncle Pierce said there’s more than money in this for us,” he said with a wink. JJ snorted. “Uncle Pierce is full of shit.”

                “Are you guys cousins?” I asked, curiosity finally getting the better of me. Pat chuckled and JJ shrugged. “Pretty much,” JJ said and I gave him a confused look. “No, we’re not cousins. We’re not blood related in any way. But our dads were all really close friends growing up. So…family friends,” Pat said.

                “What about your moms?” I asked. Pat exploded into laughter and JJ smacked his arm. “What?” I asked, confused. “Nothing, nothing. No, our moms weren’t friends,” Pat said before bursting into more laughter. He clutched his sides and shook his head, apparently unable to speak.

                “Oh fuck off Pat,” JJ grumbled and shoved him so that he fell to the ground, still laughing. “What’s wrong with Patrick?” Richie asked, coming into the room.

                “He’s being a jerk. Ignore him,” JJ said and scooped the kid up. “JJ, is your mom friends Pierce and my dad?” Pat asked and JJ kicked him. “No, she’s not,” he responded casually and turned to me. “Ignore him. He’s stupid.”

                “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’ll stop being an asshole now. Hey JJ, we should all spend the night at your house tonight! You, me, and Milo. Not Gabe. He get his dumb ass grounded for getting drunk.” JJ shrugged. “Sure. You cool with that Milo?” I nodded nervously. “S-Sure.”

                I texted my mom to tell her. “Where are Ozzy and Ripper?” JJ asked curiously, looking around. “Ozzy’s watching a movie, and Ripper was taking a bath or a shower or whatever you take when you’re 8 years old,” Pat said and we moved into the living room.

                “E-yuh, can we watch with you Ozzy?” JJ asked and Ozzy nodded shyly. JJ sat down with Richie on his lap. I sat down next to JJ. Pat sat down and pulled Ozzy into his lap. “What are we watching?” Pat asked him.

                Ozzy’s lips moved, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. “We’re watching One Flew Over The Cock’s Nest,” Pat announced. “Pat…kill yourself. That’s not what it’s called,” JJ said with a sigh as I laughed a little.

                “E-yuh, kill yourself Patrick,” Ripper said, coming into the room with wet hair. “Shut up Ripper. At least my dad waited until he and my mom were married before banging like an animal. You mistake,” Pat grumbled.

                We watched movies and played board games until the adults got back. “Thank you guys. My stress level was through the freaking roof,” Pierce said and hugged JJ and Pat.  

                We got in Noah’s car. “Am I bringing you guys home or…?” he asked. “Back to our house,” JJ said. “If that’s okay.” Noah nodded cheerfully. “Of course that’s okay!”

                He droves us back to JJ’s house and we got out of the car and went inside. “How was babysitting?” Max asked, coming over to JJ. I was confused. I thought Noah was his stepdad? Why was he here with Max…?

                Max hugged Noah and kissed him gently on the lips. “It was the same as always,” JJ said with a shrug. “Let’s go upstairs guys.” “Hello Pat!” Max said. “Hi Uncle Max!” Pat greeted before we followed JJ upstairs.

                “JJ, you have…” He cut me off. “Two dads, yea. I was adopted, my dads are a married gay couple. Don’t like it? I don’t give a fuck.”

                I shook my head wildly. “Oh, no. I think its fine. I just didn’t know…I mean, like, I thought Noah was your step dad or something…”

                JJ sighed and shook his head. “Nah, Max and Noah have been together for over 20 years. They adopted my brother and sister and I. None of us are actually related. That’s why Pat was pissing his pants today. I don’t have a mom. Technically. Whoever my real mom is, she didn’t want me. I don’t really give two shits, though. I love my dads.”

                “I have to go piss. For real this time. Toodle pip bitches,” Pat said with a pleasant wave before leaving JJ’s room. JJ shook his head and sighed. “He’s a crazy motherfucker.”

                I chucked softly. JJ moved closer to me. “Thought you and Roman were getting together?” I shook my head sadly. “Nah. He, uh, doesn’t want a relationship.” JJ looked deeply into my eyes. His were fierce and unafraid. “I do.” He leaned down and kissed me gently, and I found myself kissing back.


A.N.- I don't really like this story. I can't get into it :/ It sucks Dx  

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