My Heart Is Not Homophobic {5}

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A.N.- I just want to say thank you so much to everyone for reading this and all the nice comments :') I know I'm really awful about personally replying to comments, but they mean a lot to me!! Also, I redid the trailer with a different song so that youtube would actually play it :p Here's the link, or you could just watch it over there on the side somewhere ---->


                Milo looked into my eyes and then his slid down to my hands. I realized that Kenz and I were still holding hands. Considering the fact that we were related only by adoption, we looked nothing alike. He was probably getting the wrong idea right now.

                Oh who gave a fuck. Like I cared? He was just another straight boy. I really hoped my dads didn’t come looking for us. If Milo gave them a dirty look, it would be a shame to punch him, break his nose, and wreck his cute face.

                “H-Hi JJ,” he said shyly. “Hi Milo,” I said casually. He looked at the food on the shelf awkwardly. “Is this one of your friends JJ?” Kenz asked. I shrugged. “He’s the new kid at school.”

                Kenz pulled me over to him and held out her free hand. “I’m Kenz.” He took her hand. “Milo,” he said, still shy. Fuck he was cute! I could probably get a good rise just staring at him.

                “JJ! Kenzie!”

                We spun around and a young boy flung himself into my arms, causing me to stumble away from Kenz and her grip on my hand. “Hey Richie,” I said calmly. Richie gripped my hand and looked at Milo. “Who’s he?” he asked.

                “This is Milo. Milo, this is Richie. Isn’t he adorable?” Kenz gushed. She could meet you and 5 seconds later treat you like you were best friends. Milo seemed amused by this.

                “Yea,” Milo said. “Hey JJ! Hey Kenz!” We turned to face our Uncle Pierce. He was walking with Ripper and Ozzy. Ripper’s real name was Anthony and he had been called Tony until he was 5. God damn, the kid could rip the absolute fuck out of you, allowing him the nickname. Ozzy’s real name was Osmosis.

                “Hey Kenz. Your boobs look bigger. Finally stuffing a 36D?” Ripper asked smugly. Kenz glared at him. “Shut up Ripper!” she snapped. “Honestly Uncle Pierce, can’t you control your brat?”

                Pierce grinned. “No can do. He doesn’t listen to me. He listens to JJ better,” he said, ruffling the grinning Ripper’s hair. Ripper was looking at Kenz smugly. His eyes fell on Milo.

                “Who’s he? Kenz’s new boyfriend?” I couldn’t help but snicker. “No. That’s Milo. Kenz just met him,” I said. I could see the wheels turning in Ripper’s head. He was going to go all out on Milo, a kid he didn’t even know.

                And I didn’t want him to rip on Milo.

                Milo seemed far too sensitive, even to be ripped on by an 8 year old. I usually was amused by Ripper’s cruel jokes, but I didn’t want him attacking Milo.

                “Keep your mouth shut Ripper,” I warned him. Pierce grinned, giving me a knowing look. I was a little confused. What was the look for? Who cared if I kept the kid from attacking Milo? It didn’t mean anything. Yea, I thought Milo was cute. But I hated getting close to anyone other than my family, and my friend Felix Green.

                I gripped Richie’s hand and brought him farther down to go find the taco shells. Milo followed and stopped next to me. He picked up a box of hell knows what.

                “Got a lot of friends,” he said in amusement. I looked over at Ripper and Ozzy and then down at Richie. “Nah. Cousins,” I said. “Even Kenz?” He sounded…jealous? Yes. I was positive I heard a slight bit of jealousy in his voice.

                “No. Kenz is my sister. You thought we were dating?” He nodded, an embarrassed blush creeping onto his face. “I’m gay,” I said with a shrug.

                He seemed surprised. “Really?” I nodded. “Yea.” “Me too,” he said and my heart stopped and then started slamming. “Are you serious?” He nodded and I searched his eyes for any hint of a lie or a cruel joke.

                Nothing. He was being serious. This cute boy was really gay. For a second, just for a brief second, I imagined myself holding his hand, kissing his soft looking lips.

                But I erased it out of my head. No, no, NO. I hated getting close to people! But still, the need to ask him gripped me and so I did.

                “So you would accept gay marriage?” He nodded. “Of course,” he replied. He followed me back over to Kenz and the little brats. “Mil Jensen?” Pierce asked curiously. Milo looked up and nodded. “Yes sir. That’s my name.”

                He broke out into a huge grin. “I work with your dad. I’ve meet him at a lot of business meetings and now we were work in the same building. He and I were actually talking about having you babysit this here gang of brats, if you wouldn’t mind.”

                “I could help him,” I blurted out and forced myself not to blush. Milo’s cheeks got a little red in them and he nodded. “Yea, I would like that. Thanks JJ. When?” “Tonight?” Pierce asked. Milo nodded again. “Sure,” he said.

                Pierce smiled at us. “Awesome. 6 p.m. would be great, if you can. I’m going to go say hi to your parents JJ. Hopefully Maxi forgot I owe him money…” He nodded at Richie and Richie released my hand and ran to his father.

                Pierce picked him up and led the 3 boys out of the isle to go find my dads. “Uh, we have to go find our parents,” I said, swallowing back the nervousness I felt. “We’ll pick you up around 5.45 and bring you to Pierce’s house.” Milo nodded. “Thanks JJ,” he said and I grabbed Kenz’s hand and pulled her away from Milo to go find Max and Noah. 

My Heart Is Not Homophobic [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now