My Heart Is Not Homophobic {27}

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                “Pat! Patrick stop!” I heard JJ shrieking. I looked up as JJ, Gabe, and Felix ran up the hill towards us. Pat glared and pulled my arm up higher. My painful gasp was muffled against his jacket.

                “Don’t get near me!” he snapped as they came closer. JJ held his hands up. “Pat, please let Milo go,” he begged. “I’ll break his fucking arms, no matter what. So don’t get near me or I’ll break his legs, too,” he said, his voice threatening. And yet…he almost sounded like a small child.

                “Pat, I’ll tell mom and dad,” Gabe said, his eyes desperate. I felt fear shoot through me. They didn’t know how to make him stop. He was really going to hurt me.

                “Shut up Gabe. I thought you were on my side? I’ll break your fucking neck if you tell them!” Pat snapped. Suddenly, Gabe shot a glare at me. “You know, Pat, you’re right. There’s nothing to tell them. Milo’s a bastard. You break one arm, and I’ll break the other,” he hissed, sounding as crazy as Pat looked.

                “Gabe…the fuck?” JJ whispered as Pat smirked. Gabe came over and reached for one of my arms. He suddenly turned and punched Pat in the face. Pat stumbled back, releasing me. I ripped the jacket off my face as Gabe tackled Pat to the ground and tried to hold him.

                “Get off me! I’ll break your fucking neck!” Pat cried angrily. He wrapped his hands around Gabe’s neck and slammed him onto the ground, choking him. JJ tried to go to them, but Felix shoved him back. “Leave them alone. They’re just fighting it out,” he said with a shrug.

                I ran over and tackled Pat off of Gabe. Gabe choked for breath as JJ hurried over and helped me restrain Pat. Gabe pulled out his cell phone. “Dad? Get to the school. Now,” he said, his voice weak. He coughed. “It’s Pat. It’s important,” he said and cleared his throat, his neck red where Pat had choked him.

                We restrained a struggling Pat for what felt like forever when, in reality, it was probably ten minutes until Mr. Cash came running up the hill to us.

                “Pat…what happened?” he demanded. “Dad, he…he tried to choke me,” Gabe whimpered, bruises beginning to form on his neck. Mr. Cash stared in horror. He came over and pulled Pat away from us.

                “Gabe, can you drive home?” he asked and Gabe nodded. Mr. Cash bit his lip. “I want you to drop JJ, Feliix, and Milo off, and meet me at the doctor’s office. I’m taking both of you,” he said. “No! There’s nothing wrong with me!” Pat wailed.

                “Patrick, you just tried to choke your brother!” Mr. Cash cried angrily. “You’re mentally fucked, and we’re getting you help!” “You’re mentally fucked, dad! There’s nothing wrong with me!” Pat cried angrily as Mr. Cash began to drag him away.

                Gabe, JJ, Felix, and I got in the car. Felix got in the front with Gabe and JJ got in the back with me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. “Are you okay?” he asked in concern and I nodded. “Yea. I’m fine. Are you okay Gabe?”

                “He’s never hurt me before. Never. Pat and I have always been close for brothers. I’m scared. He’s not okay. He really meant to hurt us,” Gabe whispered in terror.

                We all stayed quiet. I glanced at Felix nervously and JJ squeezed my hand as we pulled into Felix’s driveway. He stood up and paused thoughtfully. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Pat,” he said with a shrug before shutting the door and walking into his house.

                “Has everyone gone crazy?” Gabe cried as Felix’s front door shut. JJ’s eyes were cold. “Yea, everyone has gone crazy, Gabe. But you need to drop me and Milo off at my house so you can go to the doctor’s,” he said quietly.

                “I don’t want to go to the doctor’s. What if Pat gets in trouble for what he did to me?” Gabe asked desperately as he began to drive towards JJ’s house. JJ shrugged helplessly. “You need to go to the doctor’s, Gabe. And maybe he needs to go to a mental institution. He would’ve really killed you,” JJ whispered.

                “No. Pat would never kill anyone. Never. He’s my little brother. I’m not going to let them send him away! He can’t be crazy!” Gabe cried as he pulled into JJ’s driveway. JJ took my hand and opened the car door. “Gabe, you need to do what’s best for him and everyone else. Not what you want,” JJ said coldly before shutting the car door and pulling me inside.

                He ignored his dads and siblings and pulled me right up to his room. “You swear you’re okay?” he asked once he had shut his door. I nodded. “Yea, I’m okay,” I said quietly. I was scared, though. That kid was out of his fucking mind.

                “His mom would go crazy before she accepted that Pat was crazy,” JJ said with a sigh. “But it happens, doesn’t it? People are born crazy without a reason? If it weren’t for you, Pat might’ve become a murderer today. Murdered his own big brother. There’s something wrong with Felix too. He rarely goes into his rants anymore. It’s like Pat’s rubbing off on him.”

                He buried his face in his hands. “Gabe’s right. Everyone is going crazy.” I put my arms around JJ and pulled him close. “No. You’re not crazy, and I’m not crazy,” I said gently, forcing him to look at me so I could kiss him.

                He wrapped his arms around me and we laid back on his bed together. He kissed me desperately. “I’m scared, Milo,” he whispered. “I’ve never felt this afraid before.”

                “I’m here for you, JJ. You’re not alone,” I promised and kissed him deeply. He gave me a thankful smile, but his eyes were troubled, and I just prayed to god that he wouldn’t try to shut me out in fear again. Still, the look in his eyes wasn’t doing much to reassure me.

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