My Heart Is Not Homophobic {14}

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                                                                                ***JJ’s POV***

                 “Hey Milo,” I greeted as he came up to me. I wrapped an arm around him and gave him a questioning look. “Something up?” “Uh…JJ, why do you hate River?” he asked nervously.

                “He talked shit about my dads,” I said, anger rising in me. “Like, physically talked shit? Or talked it over text?” Milo asked. “Physically,” Pat responded. Milo got a little uncomfortable. “Did you guys…did you guys hurt him for it? Beat him up?”

                Pat got a confused look. “Why would we do that? We threatened to, but JJ and I would never actually do it. We’re not that huge of assholes.” Milo got a troubled look on his face. “He said…you did…”

                Pat shook his head, getting even more confused. “No. He came up to us, and started talking shit about JJ’s dads because he was mad at JJ. Then we threatened him, slammed him against the lockers, admittedly, and that pissed him off. So he busted Felix and I for doing drugs, and tried to bust JJ and Gabe for it too.”

                The bell rang and Milo nodded at us. “Thanks for, uh, clearing that up for me, I guess,” he said with a shy smile. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips, causing him to blush before heading off to class.

                I smirked at Pat. “Patrick Cash, you never cease to amaze me with your ability to lie.” Pat grinned. “What can I say? I have a gift.” Of course I had beat the living shit out of River. He had texted Pat all this shit about how my dads were worthless fags, and how Felix was a stupid stoner, and Pat and Gabe were just as fucked up as their father, and how I was just somebody’s abandoned mistake that a couple of fags picked up.

                Plus, he had tried to bust Felix, Pat, and Gabe for drugs. Pat and Felix had been caught, but Gabe had, luckily, been clean at the time. All of that had pissed us off enough to beat the shit out of him in front of everyone at school. We had all hated each other ever since. He hated the brothers, Felix, and I, and we hated him.

                Still, I didn’t want Milo to know about that. Leave it to River to try to fuck up the chance I was finally giving someone. I was finally going to try to get close to someone and have a real relationship with them, and River was trying to fuck it up for me because he hated me.  

                “Want me to take care of River? I’ll make sure he doesn’t say anymore to Milo,” he said with a grin. “We can both take care of him. He’s not getting in the way of Milo and I,” I said fiercely.

                So afterschool, we caught up to him and pulled him around to the side of the building. “What do you guys want?” he demanded angrily. “You told a few lies to Milo, huh?” Pat asked with a grin.

                River glared furiously. “I told him the entire truth. The truth that I tried to tell JJ. How you were the one that sent that text because you were jealous!” “Pat wouldn’t do that,” I snapped. He was sneaky as fuck, but he wouldn’t do that. Not to me. I was like family to him.

                I pulled back my fist and River met my eyes with fearless ones. “Hit me JJ. Beat the shit out of me…again. Let Pat win. I don’t give a fuck. But if you do, just know you’re both going to get hurt. You and Milo. He’ll break you up,” River hissed.

                Pat shook his head. “River, River, River. JJ’s like my cousin. I wouldn’t do that shit to him. And you call me a liar.”

                “Shut up River! You don’t know anything about Milo and I!” I spat and let my fist fly forward. It made contact with his face and I threw him to the ground. “Let’s go Pat,” I growled. “Before Gabe and Felix wonder where we are.”

                So we left River there. I wasn’t even sure if he was bleeding or whatever, and I certainly didn’t care anymore. He was going to try to fuck up my relationship. Milo and I weren’t official yet, but I was planning to make it that way.

                As we climbed into Gabe’s car with him and Felix, my thoughts wandered over to Pat. He…he wouldn’t do anything, would he? No, he was always trying to help me be more social. Why would he ruin my friendship with River? Just because River sold him out on drugs…Pat told me he wasn’t really all that mad about it. He told me it was better for him anyways. He wouldn’t have texted himself off River’s phone.


                I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. Yea, he was sleazy as fuck. But he wouldn’t do something like that to me. He knew I had enough trust issues as it was, so why give me more?

                But…if he really had fucked things up between River and I because he was jealous…he could fuck things up between Milo and I, too… 

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