My Heart Is Not Homophobic {19}

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A.N.- Just saying, I hate this story. Like, a lot. And I'm determined to just finish it within the next couple of weeks and be done with it. This story makes me want to have a thumb war with Freddy Krueger. 


                                                                                ***Milo’s POV***

                “You were right, River. It was Pat,” I whispered, sitting outside with him during lunch. He gave me a sympathetic look. “I know it’s hard to believe that someone could be that cold hearted. The kid feels no guilt. He’s got JJ wrapped around his finger.”

                “You’re damn straight he does.”

                We looked over at a smirking Pat. There was something in his eyes, something that frightened me a little. He wasn’t normal. Maybe not crazy, but something close to it. There was no way Patrick Cash was right in the head.

                “Go away Pat,” River growled. “How did you do it?” I asked quietly. “I know my phone wasn’t in my pocket.” Pat grinned happily and nodded. “I stole it when you and JJ got up in health class, and you were too dumb to notice. Then I slipped it back in your pocket when I grabbed you. I’m just that damn good. JJ didn’t see me texting because I prepared the message during school, when I wasn’t with him. I sent it when JJ wasn’t paying attention to me.”

                “Why?” I whispered, pain exploding in my chest. “Why would you do that?” He grinned wider and shrugged. “Because. I told you how; I don’t need to tell you why.”

                “It hurts him too, Pat. A lot. He has trust issues, and you’re making them worse,” I said, my eyes pleading. Even if he wasn’t with me, he was still hurting from his trust issues and Pat was making them so much worse.

                Pat laughed. “He trusts me, Gabe, and Felix. That’s good enough.” “He shouldn’t trust you. You fucked up psycho,” River growled. Pat’s eyes flashed. “Shut the fuck up River,” he growled dangerously. “You’re the psycho.”

                He glanced at his phone before glaring. “Bye,” he said flatly, glancing at me with a smirk before turning and going back into the school.

                “He’s got to be a sociopath. The fucking psycho,” River cried angrily. “Don’t his parents know what he does?” I asked. Pat’s parents surely had to know he was this sick in the head. There was definitely something wrong with him. The look in his eyes said it all.

                River shrugged helplessly. “When I used to hang out with them, his parents played oblivious whenever he did anything bad. I really don’t think Gabe knows how bad Pat is. Gabe’s not all that bad. He just sticks up for his friends and family.”

                “Poor JJ. We need to show him how bad Pat is,” I said, determination setting in me. “It’s hopeless, Milo. JJ won’t buy into it. Gabe, Pat, and Felix are his best friends. I did everything I could to show him just how bad Pat and Felix are, but he hides behind ignorance. He may act tough, but he’s terrified. He’s terrified to be hurt, Milo. And those 3 have the most power to hurt him, because he gave them his trust. Pat and Felix play with it. They’re fucked up, sick in the head, worthless shits. JJ deserves better,” River said bitterly.

                I nodded in agreement and sighed sadly. “How can he be that stupid? It’s happened twice, and both times Pat’s been accused. How hasn’t he figured it out yet?”

                “Because he won’t let himself. Like I said, he hides behind ignorance. It’ll hurt him to know, but it’ll end up crushing him if he doesn’t know. He needs to accept that Pat and Felix are just playing with him,” River said, running a hand through his hair.

                “River…Has JJ always been like this?” I asked silently and River shook his head. “No. He used to be completely wild. But then, around 7th grade or so, he ran into the homophobia. It scared him. He wasn’t used to it. He didn’t like people making fun of his dads. I think it was Pat and Felix that turned him to the violence to defend his dads.” He shrugged.

                We went back into the school and I looked over at JJ’s lunch table. Pat and Felix were grinning and talking. Gabe was laughing and nodding at them. JJ looked absolutely miserable and crushed. He was absentmindedly playing with a water bottle. Gabe shot him a concerned look, and Pat and Felix looked smug. Sick bastards.

                The bell exploded and I went out to the hall with River. “Milo! Are you, ah, okay?” Roman asked shyly, coming over to me. I sighed and shook my head, my eyes watering a little.

                “No. I hate Pat. I’ve never hated anyone so much in my life,” I whispered. Roman hesitated before hugging me tightly. I hugged him back and he smiled softly. He hesitated before kissing my cheek and blushing. “You’ll be okay, Milo,” he promised softly. “We can hang out after school if you want?”

                I glanced over as JJ and his “friends” walked by. Hell, Gabe was the only one that I hadn’t seen do anything wrong to him yet. And Gabe was the only one looking worried as he talked to JJ. I turned back to Roman and gulped before forcing a very small smile. “Yea, Roman. Yea, that’d be nice.” 

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