Chapter 1, An uneasy Feeling

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[The lab coat is the reader's, but the girl is just some random Anime one. I couldnt find a Base of it, dont blame me! Art aint mine, of course.]

y/L - your last Name

y/F - your first given Name

SANS POV (I know its a reader thing let me do whatever I want to! MEH)

He just sat there, looking more at the floor than the wall opposite to him. He had already looked thoroughly at the picure on the wall. It was a rather plain and tasteless picture actually, so there hadnt been much to see. The floor wasnt much better, but it gave him a little more support in thinking. It was a typically human, slightly glistening floor in a greenish grayish tone. He was thinking about what happened and why he was even here.

A few days ago, Frisk had been dangerously close to DYING. Sans knew that Frisk could just reload, or at least he thought so. When he was at the save screen, watching them, Frisk had most obviously been struggeling to stay Determined. Later, when this came up at the dinner table at how Frisk survived, everybody knew what had happened. Frisk's soul had lost a great amount of its Determination because Monsters were free. There were still alot of problems between humans and monsters, but for some reason their soul seemed to have just decided that they can deal with that themselves, although of course it was more of monsters dealing with humans than the other way around. After Frisk was able to heal up and be out and about again, the monsters had recieved a message from this weird 'Science organization' that claimed to be studying souls. After a few skeptic discussions Alphys got to know this group and was actually working with them now. The group offered to take Frisk under closer examination for safety reasons, although it was pretty clear to sans that they wanted to learn more about Frisk's soul rather than help it because it was Frisk's. He had been positioned in a duscussion room with Frisk to wait until a scientist was able to drop by and get them to the special department of the building after talking to them once more. This Organization owned an entire building, yes, only sharing it with a hospital for major nerve, psychologic and heart injuries and damages, wich of course only benefited both of them. It made it possible to start telling apart soul desieses and other illnesses over time.

The only reason sans was sitting quite calmly beside Frisk was due to the fact that this group was made equally out of monsters AND humans (even though they mostly worked seperatly), he hadnt heard of a single quarrel or complaint from anyone. He had felt burdened with the task to at least watch the news to know of any attacks on monsters, and the area this place was in was relatively quiet. It wasnt too far from the monster grounds, the territory that monsters got to call their own.

And at more or less the core of the monster Kingdom were the two houses in wich they all lived: Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus and himself in one and Toriel, Asgore, Frisk and Flowey in the other. They all wanted to live in one house, but royal buisness and impressions demanded for the royal family to live in a seperate house, have a seperate budget and do their own, seperate buisness. Why Flowey was considered royalty as well was a mystery to most humans and monsters, but the close friends had all been told the story and none of the humans bothered too much. It was partly because of how humanity worked and how humans take royals in general.

The King and Queen still visit their friends casually though, enough to keep the group together, so it didnt bother everyone TOO much. They all had gotten their own jobs and mostly only saw one another in their spare free time. They all knew they could count on one another though, so nothing ever fell apart for them. Everybody except Sans and Toriel were at work at the moment, with sans being here and Toriel speaking to the Leader of this new Research organization to make out a contract in order to allow for certain experiments and to set a few rules, but mainly to make sure they were treating Frisk right. Frisk, as the Ambassador, was considered royalty and thus very important. Although sans knew without a doubt Toriel would have done everything in her Power to take care of frisk either way.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now