Chapter 21, Parted Plans

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name


Alphys and Undyne both looked towards sans immidiently. 'what? i didnt do anything!' You decided to interrupt, the after effect of your magic still lingering. 'You told me to get a life and that Im completely weird! Of course I was mad and talked back! What did you expect me to do? Cry like a baby again?'

You looked at him challengingly, and his mouth nearly fell wide open. 'but you-'

'Thats enough' Toriel quickly stepped into your argument. 'You will eat in peace and quiet now, alright? We will discuss this later' And with that, she handed everybody a plate of the Apple Pie she had been carrying when she stepped in.

A few days passed after that, and sans more or less left you alone, seeming to be in deep thought much more often, and he just didnt talk at all. It was like him to be acting so closed up, and you knew you hardly could do anything about it.

Toriel and the others were a bit more weary about him from then on, and he didnt seem to like it, but he just didnt care enough to clear up anything or talk at all. So things were left as they were for a while.

You could continue to work with Alphys who didnt mention your efforts on bringing your sans back anymore, and you slowly got more into what you knew you loved to do. Alphys had opened up so many more possibilities for you, and you could experiment with practically anything now. You didnt even have to use your strange magic most of the time, and you were in so much better relations with everyone now.

Since you had been working so well, Alphys opened something important up to you: The place where you had been working at is the place where something like a gigantic main machine was built up called Soul Machine for Experimental Cause, SMEC for short. Surely a more memrable name than SOMP.

The machine could do a whole bunch of things and its construction still isnt complete, even though many of its functions are already usable. It was a project started just a few months after monsters came up. The SMEC could Extract all soul traits, disable magic for the entire Lab, give consistant damage to a certain species or soul type, store all main traits in great quantitys and that very space efficiently, do anything the CORE and the SOMP could do and much, much more.

Unsurprisingly, it was the thing that was used on sans to turn him back into a monster, and it would be the same thing that could do both the opposite and turn you into a normal human. But you had refused to have it so, and nobody could force you to.

The newest experiments were already messing with the nature of souls themselves, the newest projects taking months to execute. And as soon as the machine would be finished, the Soul Hospital could show it to the public and gain the recognition it had always deserved.

At least its founder and Boss thought so.

You were still working for that place in a way, only this time with a much higher rank, actually, that being the reason that you were part of the few people who even knew this machine existed. Your main focus were soul traits and how they interact with one another, and it was quite an interesting thing to study and experiment with. You even had an unlimited recource of an eigth trait, that being your own.

The only eigth trait that still exists.


The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now