Chapter 24, Happy conversations

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y/l - your last name/family name

y/f - your first given name

It wasnt long while you were drifting away in thought when you heard a shuffle and felt an arm over your shoulder. You flinched a little at the touch, but then relaxed back. It earned you a little laugh from sans, who let his magic wrap around your soul gently to sit you on his lap. You didnt fight back as he made your arm go over his own shoulder, and when he gave you your control back, you let your head rest on his chest.

He started gently rocking you from side to side and hummed as he kept you tight. You suddenly remembered your question from before, knowing that it may not be the best moment, but you could forget the question after or not find any better moment for it.

'Sans?' You quietly mumbled and tried to pull back to look at him, but he held you tight and put a little pressure on your soul when you tried to move again, giving you something like a warning. So you just decided to stay where you were. 'Sans, what is it that... that makes you agree with your beast monster side about me?'

You could feel his chest moving as he gave a light laugh. 'hm, i dont agree with it on everything, of course. and, just as alphys put it, its just... different reasons' A brilliant idea sparked your mind that was guaranteed to make him blush, so you just directly asked, 'Agree on loving me?' You laughed as you felt him shift a little and you manged to look up to him to see his face. Yep, definitly a blush.

'you know, the other sans would have smashed you against a wall for that. or kiss you until your lip bleeds. he was only gentle that one time, you know, and that was because he was in a good mood' You laughed as you kept staring at his face. 'And what will this sans do to punish me for making him grow ocean blue in the face, huh?' You could feel him flinch in surprise again as he took a sharp breath inwards at your words that had been just a bit away from being insults.

'hold his anger and tell you to stop?' He hopefully asked you and you had to start laughing loudly. It took you a good moment to stop and catch your breath, and he was looking at you a little embaressed, but also somewhat... happy. 'Okay... Okay. So, tell me' You started your question as his blush faded just a bit and he hurried to lean back and seem calmed down again, which nearly made you laugh again, but you reduced yourself to a snicker.

'Tell me why. I dont understand why, or how... how both of... you? I dont even know how to phrase it, but... UGH! You know what I mean!' You let out a frustrated grunt at the end of your stuttering and word picking. 'welp. you really wanna know that, huh?' You looked at him with a questioning face. 'What are you...?' Then you realized he just wouldnt tell you to get you back for you making him blush and then being all rude about it.

You sighed and looked at him. You had to know. 'Oh come on, sans. Its important!' After another moment of looking thoughtful, he just gave a light chuckle and started talking as you made yourself comfortable in his Lap, leaning against him once more and looking up to him as he spoke.

'okay. so this other me is like a different form of conscious, yeah, and its always been there. but we share the same emotions, memories and the same soul. so... for there to be true feelings that linger for longer than a second, they have to come from both. when we... or i? ill stick with we. when we were younger, we would sometimes share control and sometimes just take turns. other monsters gave us a lot of respect because, not knowing there was a we, they thought i was just completely unpredictable.

but when pap came around, we saw his annocent nature. and, well, we werent really... the best of nature' You could see his face frowning for a moment before going back to the lazy smile. 'we took him in like a brother, and always called him that. and that... was the first time when our opinions parted. i wanted to change. i wanted to be more like pap, to believe in good things and to do everything to protect him. but the beast side... saw him as a brother just as much as i did, but... i guess he wanted other... methods of protection. he wanted to protect pap alone and only become more hostile towards others, and teach papyrus how to properly fight and kill'

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now