Chapter 26, Final massacre

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[You know all this y/f and y/l shit already, okay?]

When you were slowly beginning to wake up, you felt something move beside you and your mind slowly began to remember what had happened yesterday. You felt your chest flutter as you snuggled closer to the skeleton monster that was still peacefully snoring beside you.

You sighed again. This is how all mornings should be.

A few days have passed ever since you were reunited, and you were sitting in sans' room with him. You had just opened up your 'plan' to him, and he didnt look to happy about it.

'you do realize that monster sans is not going to be happy about this, right? like, he would probably kill me from the inside if we did that' You just smiled. 'Dont worry. I have a solution for that too. After all, the device that was used to transfer you back to your normal state didnt actually do that. It just made you switch positions! So he can do just as much as you could the past years!'

He shook his head a bit in disbelief. 'are ya sure bout this? like, damn, i know your evil with that kind of soul and all, but...' He trailed off as his gaze defocused. There was still a portion of monster sans in him, but you bit your lip to keep the comment from coming out.

'Im sure. Just trust me' And with that, you jumped up and headed towards Alphys Lab. The monster scientist was away to some meeting with some other scientists from the HospitalOfSouls, leaving the underground lab completely to your control.

Stepping into the familiar surroundings, you smirked as you began digging through some devices, finding the one thing that kept you from using your full magic fairly quickly. Alphys had 3 of them hidden away in the entire place, and you knew where all three of them were by forcing her to use them all at least once in the past days. It hadnt been a very pleasant procedure, but it worked.

You opened up one of the machines and cut through one of the whires, then put it back. Doing this with all three, you started to continue to rumor the house, taking out any other devices you knew where to find.

Sans was watching you from the top of the stairs, not saying a word of protest or agreement.

When you were just barely done, the entrance door flung open and Alphys and Undyne came in. They greeted you and both dissapeared downstairs. Sans walked up to you and you suddnely felt his arms around you from behind. 'i think i can guess what their doing down there right now. why dont we lay down and do the same?~'

You shoved him away roughly. 'Not now, sans. We need to finsih this. Maybe afterwards... but only if you help me!' The skeleton sighed in defeat. 'fine, picky prick. what do ya still have to do?' 'I need you to bring me the devices from the others. They have them at their bodies at all times, except when they sleep. In that case, their locked away, although I dont think that some shaby lock is going to be a problem for you'

He nodded a bit hesitantly and teleported away, wanting to get most of it done as soon as possible. He returned not long after with three devices. 'okay, these are all. just alphys is left, she carries that one around with her right now' You nodded. That was your part of the job.

It took you an entire hour of planning and trying over and over again, but soon you had them all disarmed without them even knowing. They all thought that the devices were intact since you hadnt taken them away, only made them unusable.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now