Chapter 20, Lots o' Tears

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name


After a while of just crying and screaming pointlessly, you developed a routine.

Wake up, hug sans' jacket, put it on, go into the kitchen to shove some food inside you, then go back to your room and refuse all of the offers Toriel, Undyne and later even Papyrus gave you and stare at the wall and think, then go to eat dinner aka shoving more random food in your stomach to not starve and then vanishing in your room, crying yourself to sleep.

It was always the same, and it took an entire month for you to live out of crying all the time like this. Your soul and heart still hurt at least every hour during the day, but you were sometimes forced to come along or help with something, but you never put any effort into it and always had everybody in your sight. You constantly snapped and growled, refusing to give up the new nature that sans had grown on you.

But your magic was slowly dissapating, and so was your resistance and your spikey attitude. Eventually, they got you out from time to time, and although you still cried every night and were always cautious, your magic went down to it's usual level, wich was just a tad bit more than a normal monster's. You were weaker than them as well now.

Two months passed after sans left, and you were helping Toriel bake a new recipe for apple Pie that she found. You were leaning with your back against the counter, mixing the dough in a bowl when you heard the door come open and steps.

Undyne was back, you thought and only wanted to lift your head for a short moment to not have your attention away from her, but when you looked up, you froze and heard the bowl fall to the ground, not even caring about all of the shards that were across the floor now.

He was standing there. It wasnt really him, and it kindof was. Sans' expression was tired, and he didnt look at you. Your sans would have stared, or done something. You slowly, slowly walked up to him, picking up his hand and gliding your finger across it. There were no claws, no sharp edges, everything was smooth and maybe even a bit chubbier than before. He pulled his hand away and put it back down into his pocket, looking at you. Your sans would have pulled you closer, or forced you to kiss him, and you would have loved it.

'Your not really him, are you?' You whispered quietly to him, shaking your head. He sighed, still looking away and then he just shrugged, his shoulders weighing down. You pushed him aside roughly and walked past him, running into your room with his jacket still on you. You planned on keeping it.

He took a step forward, unsure, and just stared at the mess on the floor. He didnt do anything about it, just stood there and watched as Toriel told Undyne to try and clean it up as she went after you. 'look at what youve done' sans stated coldly as he stared at Undyne. 'i used to love her' and with the same calmness in his throat, he just stood there.

Your sans would have kicked one of the shards instead of stare at them just to look away again, and not just vanish into his room without another word.

A few weeks passed, and you still couldnt get used to it. Every time he was in the room, your soul twisted and turned in your chest, calling out for his, but it never got a response. It didnt even deny yours, it just sat there and ignored your soul's cries. It drove you mad. It woudl pain and sometimes wou even had to cry because of how his face reminded you of your sans. This one... was somebody entirely different. He may have the same memories, but that wasnt your sans for sure.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now