Chapter 3, Akward moments

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y/F - your first given Name

y/L - your last name/family name

y/E - your eye color


After you had gotten your meal from the counter, you excitedly sat down and looked around once more. You actually spotted a young monster sitting alone at one table, staring into it's food. You decided to walk over to it and talk to it. It seemed like a nice Monster to talk to about the things you needed to know.

As you made your way over, leaving your plate where it was, the monster immidiently lifted it's head and looked up at you questioning. You just smiled. 'Hello there, Mr. May I sit down with you?' The monster's eyes grew eagrerly wide and it nodded. 'H-Hi! My name's Arbiton! You seem like a really nice human!' You had to smile brighter as you looked at his enthusiastic face. 'My name is y/F. It's nice to meet you! Now. I'm-' But before you could finish, your surroundings suddenly started to blurr, all of the objects in the room fading black. Everything was... so dark... You looked around, confused, and spotted the young monster. 'Ohmygosh Im SO SO sorry about this! I just... I always get so quirky when Im excited because Ive never actually seen a human up close before and ohmygosh this is SO embaressing...' Arbiton rambled on and then the black dissapeared.

His head was red in embarresment, looking up at you carefully. 'You see, I just recently learned how to enter a fight and I keep subconsciously doing it without noticing... I hope I didnt scare you...' You just beamed. 'What? No, you didnt scare me. Im a big human, after all' You give a small laugh and pull out your notebook. 'So you say that was how monsters enter a... fight? Tell me more about it!'

The monster seemed surprised at first, but then slowly nodded and started telling me the things he knew. He was stuttering at first, but then he grew more fluent as time went on, and after a while both of you strayed away from your original conversation topic and you found yourself talking a bit about human economy.

The young monster had told you alot about fighting, and although you didnt have too many notes, they were enough.

-Everything turns black and the surroundings fade away to leave a prefect fighting space. Nothing can be seen from the outside, but outsiders can see you.

-If a human, their Soul appears. If a monster, they turn black and white.

-then both take turns with either attacks, healing, sparing and acting.

You were satisfied for now. You had to look this up further, of course, but this was in about all the monster had told you. Suddenly, a blue flash caught the corner of your eye, and a plate with food was sat down right beside you. You look up to find yourself looking at the skeleton you had seen at work once. He had been the Ambassador's guard.

'i uh, guess this is yours?' He threw a look at the food he just put down. Suddenly, you remembered that you forgot your plate at your table. 'Oh goodness! I completely forgot. Thank you' 'no prob. hey bit, whatcha doing here without your parents?' the skeleton said as he turned towards the younger one. 'OH! Hi, sans! They told me I was old enough to be alone here this time! I learned how to fight!' The small monster jumped up on his seat and did a brave and proud looking pose.

'Yes, and he was willing to share some of his knowledge with me!' You exclaimed happily, looking at both of them. The monster child seemed beaming with glee at this point. You suddenly understood what he had said about being excited alot. 'YEAH! I helped y/F with some of her Notes, and she's the first human I ever even met! Mom and dad will be SO PROUD!' he jumped down from his chair, running out the door. 'MOMMY! DADDY! I got to tell you something...!' You heard his voice growing faint as he seemed to run impressivly fast.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now