Chapter 19, Parting Paths

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name

YOUR POV (Although I started ignoring my own rules for POVs, so it hardly counts anymore. Sorry)

A sudden sting of pain told you exactly what was wrong, as a clear bullet hit you in the head from behind. You only heard a gasterblaster appear and then another shot of pain, followed by darkness and you loosing whatever sense of orientation you had left.

SANS POV (Just dont mind the POVs anymore, actually)

He saw you fall to the ground and immidiently reacted, summoning all of his magic to not only put a protective cage around you, but also summon a dragon skull in order to get out of this fight alive, and try to secure part of the building. He couldnt get hit once, he knew you were barely at 3 HP and he had two beast monsters, one infront of and one behind him. It was about to be a long and painful fight.


The first thing you noticed was the slight, gentle rocking back and forth, then the movement under you. You tried to move a bit, and a familiar voice came out of the darkness to comfort you. 'shhh, its okay. youre okay' It wasnt much, but you knew who the voice was from, so you relaxed and carefully opened your eyes. When you did, you couldnt believe what you saw, and you slowly started to realize what had happened.

You felt your HP being at 2, and then tried to understand where you were now. After taking a quick look around, you knew what must have happened.

Sans was carrying you bridal style, and all around you were semi-familiar streets, with monster faces looking at you with big eyes. After a moment, the drowsiness left you, and you felt pain go through your spine. You nearly screamed out, but sans did his best to continue to comfort you, and you calmed down, just gritting your teeth and wondering where he was bringing you.

When you were able to turn your head a bit, you could see what house he was approaching. 'Sans, what are... Ow... What are you doing?' You quietly whispered, not being able to bring out more. His voice was surprisingly steady. 'dont worry. im bringing you to safety. just... move as little as possible, okay? you will be fine' You tried to nodd and relax again, only semi-succeding.

There was a pressing silence around you, only broken by occasional whispers from the monsters staring at you two. They all knew your faces by now, and even if you would cry out for help... nobody would bother to come. You heard the silent crackle of magic and then a knock as sans stopped infront of the house he had been thrown out of a few days prior. There were rushing steps, and Undyne opened the door. 'Sans? What are you d- ... What happened?' 'undyne? if... if theres anything of that friendship still left... anywhere... then p-please... ill even follow your plan, okay? just, dont let her die' His voice was quiet and he was probably feeling the shame of the world by having nothing else to do but beg at the doorstep of the ones he hurt and betrayed countless times.

Undyne was silent for a moment, then she sighed. 'Come on in. Toriel is here, and she has crazy healing magic. She'll help' A sudden stab of pain caught your attention as you felt your HP drop by one, leaving you only with 1 HP to live on. Tears made their way down the sides of your face as you couldnt help but let out a whine.

'hurry' sans said, his voice cold. Why would he be acting this way and putting his tone in another? You heard a quiet conversation, sans stepping further inside, then a gasp from the Queen as she came up to you, using her magic to close up your wounds and fix your bones without hesitating for a moment. Yep, that was the Toriel you had come to know for about a few hours, that caring and loving ruler.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now