Chapter 23, Confusing Faces

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name

YOUR POV [I guess]

There was a moment of silence, and then steps as the two girls made their way to you two. Undyne squat directly infront of sans and Alphys stood infront of you. You looked up to her, now worry clinging to you once more.

What would they do? They could send you to jail right now, or put on you whatever punishment they wanted. They could get their fancy little devices and get both into so much pain that you two wont even remember anything else anymore, or-

's-sans? Why did you...?' Alphys started quietly, casting a side glance to him. Suddenly, her glance was set firmly on you. 'Y/f, do you know how... how the process works?' Again, worry gripped your chest tighter. You didnt really know the exact process. Only how long it took, the conditions for it and a few things about what energy was used. You suddenly sat straight up. Something was wrong. There was something that you didnt seem to know that they knew.

'N-no? I think?' You quietly said, cursing yourself for suttering in such an important moment. Alphys looked over to sans again and smiled a little, making you even more confused. What the hell is even happening right now?  You could only think as Alphys turned her attention back to you, Undyne still quietly sitting about and just listening, looking inbetween you, sans and Alphys.

'Y/f' The monster scientist slowly began. 'The machine may have affected his soul already, yes, but the actual changing on the in- and outside will only start in a few days. To be precise, in 56 hours. He hasnt changed yet' Your gaze slowly went to him. So... he had not wanted to kill me because... because...?

Your brain was confuesed even more. Your sans was the one who would do something like this, not this sans! This one didnt even have a reason to spare you but should have just had even more reason to kill when you kissed him! So... what? Why??

Your gaze met sans' and although the color in his face had grown even darker, he held the look and just stared for a few quiet moments. Curiosity crept into your mind once more. There was a quiet laugh from Undyne and you all turned to look at her. She was... smiling too?!?

'What is even going on here?!' You couldnt help asking even though it made you sound stupid. It had been your  plan. You should be laughing in their clueless faces, not them! Anger grudged itself inside you and you stared at Alphys, wanting not a soft and sweet talk explanation, but a real one.

'W-well... To put it simple...' You looked at her more intensively, wanting to hear why they were all acting so strange, and what was there that you didnt know. 'S-sans hasnt changed at all yet, so... I-Its was his purely monster form that... well, spared you. W-we actually have a theory that... if a beast monster truly does like  someone alot, both their beast and monster form share the generally same opinion, even if not for the same reasons'

'Wait. So your telling me that sans is made of two personalities, beast and monster, and both  of them just fell for me?' You couldnt help but grin and stare back at sans once more. 'W-well, yes. And it was just a theory that we had to consider when building this part of the SMEC, a-and it seems it's correct'

A light laugh came out of your throat. 'But both of his personalities like  me for different reasons?' Undyne and Alphys nodded. Then Undyne sighed and stood up, speaking whilst looking down at you all from far on the top. 'Like, geez sans, why didnt you just say that y/f still meant something to you? I mean come on, you saw her cry and even then you didnt bat an eye! Well, you technically dont have eyes, but... UGH THIS SCIENCE THINKING IS RUBBING OFF ON ME' Undyne's sudden screaming made you all chuckle and you stood up, reaching your hand out for sans, which you did just  to see him blush even more.

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