Chapter 25, Chemicals

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y/l - your last name/family name

y/f - your first given name

After that day, you didnt talk much to sans, and just spent your time continuing your research, hoping that it would distract you somewhat from what was happening. You still felt strange about the entire situation and just wanted for beast sans to come back and make everything familiar and not so normal again.

Alphys had begun helping you with your experiments, giving you enough recources to try them out on an entirely different level. You had also started trying to find out more about why the liquids rejected one another when they were different colors, but bonded immidiently with the same trait. It just seemed... strange.

Why couldnt Patience come together with Kindness as it did with another Patience sample? You had studied and tried for so long, and you knew that there shouldnt be anything holding them from combining just as they did with traits that were like their own. So why didnt it work?

After reading up on them, putting up a list with Notes, you thought you knew which two traits to combine next, they just seemed to be the only ones fitting together. But if the names of the traits actually had as much to do with personality as was theorized, then it was understandible that, for example, Kindness and Determination dont fit. Kindness is to always be kind and put yourself last, and Determination is to always keep going and put yourself and your own desires always first.

And that, obviously, wasnt a very good combination.

You had to look at your notes again to be sure. You noticed with a sigh that it had little chance of working, but...

[You can also just read the fat words, and that should be enough to understand whats going on]


DETERMINATION - Always put your own desires first. Dont let anything get you down. Similair to Perseverance. Bravery? Not needed. Justice? Definitly not. Kindness? Nope. Patience? Also no. Integrity? Just about the opposite... Perseverance? Very similair... too similair to be an option.

BRAVERY - Doesnt give up fighting for what they believe in, not easily held back by fear or shaken by difficult experiences. Doesnt share any apparent similarities. Justice? Not always is being brave just, because who knows what you believe in? Kindness? Not really fitting, probably wont work together. Patience? No, just about the opposite. Integrity? Very, very similair. Too similair... Perseverance? Maybe, but still a strange combination. Option 1.

JUSTICE - Tried to do what is right, but doesnt forget what Mercy means or when it is needed. Being just, as it turns out, is more than just giving people what they deserve. Similair to Integrety, or Bravory, come to think about it. Kindness? No, mercy is not what all of it is about. Patience? Rather the opposite. Integrety? Too similair. Perseverance? Another combination with Perseverance, weird. What is it about that trait that makes it so combinable? But its option 2.

KINDNESS - Always puts others first and is willing to give away everything in order to help others, doesnt get frustrated or angry quickly. Patience? Very similair, and probably goes hand in hand. The first one that is similair and probably worth combining, so option 3. Integrity? Not really, since kindness would even put honor aside to be kind any moment. Perseverance? Maybe, actually. But not enough to be considered combining.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now