Chapter 6, The Dark

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y/f - your first name

y/l - your last/family name


You continued to research some of your questions that you had throughout the day, and you did find the answers you needed most of the time. There were still a few open though. You decided to quit your late night researching, checked your alarm clock one more time and then put your phone  on the table.

You turned around, facing away from the room. You tried to calm your thoughts, and after a while of tossing and turning, you finally fell asleep.

There were... so many. So many shadows, so much darkness creeping up the walls, pillars and windows of the strange room you were in.

You wanted to scream, but something seemed to push the sound back into your throat.

Black tendrils reached out for you and you attempted to run, but found that you just couldnt do anything but stand and stare.

They came closer and closer, you wanted to cry of all the fear that was rushing through you.

This is horrible, and thats all you could say to describe the situation.

You tried again to flinch back, but suddenly the tendrils rushed forward and went around your entire body, locking you in place.

They were pressing on you, squeezing your life out of you, shattering your bones and organs.

You heard a sickening sound come from your chest, and you felt your own soul scatter into a million broken pieces.

You sat up in a rush of adrenaline going through your body. Frantically looking around, you realized you were still in the house of the brothers and the other two monsters. Everything was dark. Sweat was plastering your entire body and you felt your muscles shaking.

It took you another moment to calm down and tell yourself that it was just a strange dream, a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep, but your fear was keeping you up, and you gave up. You picked up your phone and unlcoked it.

01:34 Am.

You groaned and after a minute of just lying there and trying to go back to sleep anyways, you knew you had to stand up and properly calm down first. As you forced yourself up, you put on your clothes and went to the bathroom first. The corridor downstairs had quite a different, but unrecognizable darker color scheme, and it felt strange walking through it.

You had never been one to be scared of the dark, you actually prefered darker colors most of the time. It simply gave you a very, very strange feeling. You tried to shrugg it off, but when you went back up, it came back. This uneasy feeling that you just couldnt describe nor put your finger on.

You thought you would be able to go to sleep now, but now your body was too pumped up from walking that you probably couldnt close your eyes for a single second. You quietly turned the corner and looked around the kitchen. As expected, there was a window there, actually a tad bigger than you had thought.

You walked up to it, looking outside. The monster city didnt use as much electricity as humans, so the stars were very nicely visible on the black night's sky. You just stared for a minute or two, feeling calmer after a while.

Just as you wanted to walk back and try to sleep again, you saw a bright, light blue flash in the middle of the kitchen and saw sans standing there. He only had a white T-shirt and his black shorts on and he smiled lazily at you. Your heart was beating pretty fast from the shock of just seeing him teleport infront of you.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now