Chapter 8, Fear

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last given name/your family name


You spent the day watching TV, eating leftovers from the fridge that sans showed you and played games on your phone for a while as well. As soon as the Afternoon rolled around, Undyne showed up and said that she has the best idea on how to get you home on time.

Turns out there is a path that passes the train station, and the buses are still working, after all. So after she told Alphys and Papyrus her great idea, you were all getting ready to head out. You had been a bit reluctant at first for so many to come, so only sans and Undyne came along, while Alphys and Papyrus stayed home.

'Are you ready, y/f? Because this aint gonna be no ride on the train!' Undyne yelled out, but still trying not to be too loud for Alphys to be disturbed with her work downstairs. It seems she has her Laboratry down there, and Papyrus was upstairs creating puzzles and training. You nodded towards Undyne and you were off.

Dang, Undyne had been right. The way towards human territory, even the shortest, was quite the excercise. You were sweating after jogging for 10 minutes straight, asking for Undyne to stop. Sans would just teleport every once in a while, not once even attempting to walk. And he constantly gave his comments or puns to make you laugh.

'gosh, your really putting alot of backbone into this. but you still have a skele-ton more running ahead of you' Despite having heard these already, you had to crack up a smile. Undyne seemed at the end of her nerve as she was glaring not just daggers, but spears at sans in an attempt to make him stop.

'what is it undyne, are my puns punbearable? ' 'ALRIGHT THATS IT SANS EITHER YOU START RUNNING OR YOU SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!' Wow, Undyne was really mad. 'A-actually, Undyne... I think we... should... *pant* take a break... for now... *pant*, okay?' Undyne looked down at you in surprise, but then nodded. You all sat down under a tree in a nearby park, resting your muscles.

'Im sorry, but Im not as used to running for so long, Undyne' 'Nah, its alright, punk. Id honestly be pretty surprised if you could keep up with me!' You and sans laugh as Undyne decides to flex her musceles and strike a proud pose.

Sans started cracking up jokes again and you laughed as he had to teleport on a tree in order to keep Undyne from smashing him into pieces. You noticed that she didnt once even touch him, not even a small slap. Strange she was absolutely raging and seemed like a person not afraid of physical contact.

It took you half an hour to recover fully, but then you were feeling better than ever. By the time you reached the station you needed, it was already past sundown. Undyne spoke up, only the slightes hint of worry in her tone. 'Wow, didnt think we would take this long. Heh, should have probably planned in more time'

You were about to ask why she sounded so worried, until you suddenly heard a cellphone. It sure wasnt yours, and Undyne stopped for a moment, pulling out her phone and taking the call. You stopped as well, and sans appeared beside you in a blue flash.

'Hello, Undy- Oh. Its you Alphys... yeah? ... WHAT? What do you mean you-? ... Are you serious...? Oh dear. Hang on, Ill be right there' Undyne turned towards you two. 'Sorry, guys. Alphys had an accident At her Lab regarding the Soul Machine thingy. I need to get there as fast as possible. Sans? Do you think you still have enough energy to teleport me there and back?'

Sans stood there for a moment, his gaze shofting away. 'i dunno, undyne. ive already been teleporting alot, and-' You quickly interrupted him. 'Its okay, I can walk by myself. I already recognize the surroundings, and I have tickets and such all with me. Its not far from here, the bus works until midnight. So dont worry. You two can go help Alphys' They both looked at you with a strange look on their faces. 'Are you sure, punk? Its pretty dark, and I know how humans are. Are you absolutely confident that everything will be fine?'

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now