Chapter 11, A true monster, huh?

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name


'SANS WHa- Hey! y/f? Why are you here? Sans! You promised to bring her back! And whats wrong with your teeth...?' Undyne's voice greeted them both. 'heh. undyne, if you can give me one piece of evidence that the word promise left my lips, you can have my room' he stated coldly and then guided you to the couch.

Sans didnt even think about saying anything about his teeth as Payprus rushed towards him. 'BROTHER, IM SO GLAD YOUR ALRIGHT! BUT... WHAT DID  HAPPEN TO YOUR TEETH? AND WHY ARE YOU ACTING SO... OFF?' A moment later, he continued. 'OH DEAR! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SKULL? WHY IS THERE A CRACK IN IT?! AND IF YOU GOT HIT, HOW ARE YOU STILL...?'

Papyrus didnt finish his sentence in shock. 'look. ill explain everything to you, okay? just sit down and listen. im not saying anything twice' You saw that there clearly was something wrong with sans. You had suspected so earlier, but just thought it was the events of yesterday making him act strange.

Sans started talking, not leaving a single detail out, and you could see his eye blaze up for a second when he came to the part where the men hit my head. They all immidiently asked if I was okay, and I just nodded. The breakfast at the monster family had healed me. But when they started asking worried questions, sans' grip around my wrist tightened and he attempted to pull it closer to him. Why was he holding on to you so tight? Was he scared you would do anything?

Sans continued, and you hung your head, trying to look everywhere but your friend's eyes. After all that had happened, even if you only knew them for a few days, you considered them friends. Shame was burning on your face and you tried to bury it in the couch as best as possible.

When sans was done, there was a short moment of silence. You half expected for one of them to stand up and tell you to leave, or hit you, or anything, but it didnt happen. After a moment, you looked at them, and all you saw was worry. Really? They were only worried?? Seriously?

You waited for another moment for any of them to say anything. Eventually, Undyne spoke up. 'So.. sans.. what is wrong wiht your teeth then? you didnt explain that' Sans sighed. He was slwoly turning back to his usual self already. 'alphys? explain, k?' And with that he stood up, tugging you along again, and you followed. You didnt mind going after him, you had nothing better to do anyways.

Your stomach had eased, and you hurried up the stairs with him. Halfway there, he suddenly stopped and looked at you. You stopped as well, confused. Had you dont something wrong? He gave you one more look before letting go of your wrist wich already had red imprints on it from all the times he had been securing you.

He ran up the stairs and you knew you had to follow him, no matter what. For some reason, that seemed your primary goal right now. He walked along a corridor, past a room and then opened the door to what was most likely his room. You stepped in as well and he shut the door behind you loudly.

You turned towards him and crossed your arms, waiting for an explanation. He sat down on his bed for a moment, being his closed off and thinking, usual self. He just stared at you for another moment and then looked back down.

You decided to break this strange silence. 'Sans, why did you... why did you help me?' He looked up again. 'what do you mean?' You gulped, careful not to say anything you will regret, 'Why dont you.. dislike me? You saw me at my worst twice... and people freak out when they just hear I have a soul desiese'

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now