Chapter 7, Tense Situations

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y/f - your first name

y/l - your last/family name


Still sobbing, you could hear steps coming towards you. Alphys had put away the glass and Papyrus was done cleaning. They both sat there, quietly trying to tell you it wasnt your fault, and that you should feel bad, that everything is okay.

You couldnt really remember anybody being so nice to you before, especially after seeing you at your weakest point, on your worst side. When you felt relatively better, you thanked them and Papyrus went to make breakfast. You nodded and expected Alphys to go as well, but she just cleaned up the blankets and put away the pillows and then sat down beside you again, not leaving your side. You were greatful for her support.

When you looked up, you suddenly looked into the face of a familiar skeleton. Sans...? Why was he just standing there? And why... were his yes seemingly missing, only two black holes there...? A shudder ran down your spine as you realized he must have been standing there quite some time in order for him to act like that. He seemed pretty mad at you.

You really couldnt blame him for it, you rather found his reaction normal and the others' reactions odd. They were so nice to you after seeing you like that... Even Undyne had relaxed alot. You started having these outbursts only 2 years ago, and they had only gotten worse ever since. They were usually bearable, but this one had just been incredibly bad.

You could see him slowly, slowly coming down and then standing in front of the both of you, his eyes seemed even darker from closer up. He still kept a pretty good distance, but even so he was pretty intimidating. You flinched back, afraid he would just attack you here and now. Alphys gave him a stern look. 'Sans, d-dont blame y/f for anything you just saw. I-if you knew why she was like that...' Now both sans and you turned your heads at Alphys in question.

She just sighed. 'L-lets have breakfast together, and then I-Ill explain, okay?' You nodded and wanted to stand up, but sans still hadnt moved. His pupils were very, very lightly to be seen, staring at you. You shuddered again, deciding to stay where you were for now until sans sat down or went to the kitchen with his brother. After a moment of him just staring, he slowly walked closer towards the couch, sitting down on the other side of you, Alphys still trying to comfort you on the other. She was really nice.

Sans Pupils returned fully the moment his brother came in, holding two plates with waffles in his hands. 'ILL COME BACK WITH MORE IN A MOMENT!' He said as he placed a plate infront of you, and then infront of sans. He went back a few more times until everybody had a plate, and then he got some chairs since only three people fit on the couch with as much space as sans left inbetween him and you.

You felt guilt sting in your chest as you cast another glance to him. If you thought Undyne's look yesterday was hostile, this was uncomparable. He looked like he wanted nothing more but to kill you.

'well then, alphys. why dont you explain to us exactly what happened, and why nobody is to blame?' You had felt goosebumps creeping at your skin at his tone. It was deep and threatening, and he said it whilst turned towards you.

'Geez, sans, calm down. She just broke some glass because she was mad. Besides, Alphys said its like an illness. Its not something you can do anything about' You were surprised to see Undyne step up for you like that. She had seemed just as mad before. 'A-actually...' All heads turned towards Alphys as she began to speak. She took a deep breath, gathered the information in her head and started to explain as best as possible.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now