Chapter 2, The perfect day?

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y/L - your last name

y/F - your first given Name


When the first young woman in the lab coat left, happily smiling as she went, he couldnt help but wonder why she seemed to give him the feeling that something is wrong. Or why she was smiling like a doofus all the time. He may not be one to talk on that notion, but he hadnt seen any other humans being like that, especially not if they were scientists or had a Doctor title.

But then again, he didnt really look at how humans act and neither did he want to. He rarely saw humans and had only been on human territory once or twice. And ONLY of necessity. Right now was one of those moments.

The human infront of them, seemingly called Dr. Elgeos, started talking to them in a polite matter and stated that Frisk had been allowed to be examined in a few different ways. One was something like a health test, so nothing a normal person wouldnt do when they were sick recently and just getting a check-up, and the other was the usage of a new human invention. It was a special machine that allowed for the humans to see a soul clear as day. It was easier to examine it that way, and the machine was also capable of measuring a few statistics, although not much yet.

Sans couldnt help but be slightly impressed at how swiftly these humans worked. After being above ground for 3 years, they already had a good few books written about monsters, and that was clearly impressive considering all of the attacks and fights that had happened during their time of survival.

The first test passed quite quickly, sans actually just had to wait outside for a moment before frisk came out. They smiled at sans and showed a thumbs up. Sans smile widened a bit and they were both led to a nearby elevator by the same human as sat in the office.

The elevator was quite spacy, and they all fit in with a lot of room to spare. It only took an akward minute for it to arrive, since all the scientist did was smile at them with a pretty... plastic looking smile. She didnt say anything the entire time, and sans' eyes dashed around the elevator. When the movement nearly unnoticably stopped (damn human elevators were quiet and gentle) the human walked out immidiently and led them through a single, clear corridor. The Interior wasnt much different from the place above, but the buzzing feeling surrounding them made clear that they were deep underground. Sans had noticed humans didnt have this feeling, hence why they probably thought monsters would hardly know the difference.

But truth is that monsters had this pressing feeling around them whenever they were deep underground. It just wasnt a good place for them to be, it was dangerous and uncomfortable.

When the long corridor finally ended, they entered a gigantic room and sans would never forget the sight before him. The room held a huge machine, wires, lights and screens everywhere. The thing was far bigger than even the DT Extractor back i the true lab. From their point of view, they could perfectly see more than five humans running round, checking things here and there, pressing buttons, using screens and writing things down.

The human stopped and let them take in the sight of this unbelievable invention. It seemed like they were callibrating and setting the machine for Frisk. Sans turned his head to Frisk and couldnt help but notice the expression on Frisk's face. Sans simply pat their shoulder. 'Dont worry, kid. They know what thier doing... probably' Frisk looked at them with a face that indicated that they werent sure if they should be mad or happy that sans was comfoting them. Sans just gave a quiet laugh and Frisk smiled at him. 'Do not worry, Ambassador Frisk. We all worked a very long time on making this machine safe. Now. Follow me. Your guard can follow you right up to the machine as well, if he wishes so' And with that she started walking again.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now