Chapter 14, Bonding Moments

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name


You could hear Undyne in the kitchen, so you quietly walked to the entrance of it and knocked on the door frame politely. Undyne turned around and smiled at you, yet hesitated to do aynthing else but tell you she's glad to se you. So you just smiled back and greeted her.

'Alright, Im still preparing breakfast, and Alphys isnt quite done either. So it will take about half an hour more for everything to be done, and then you can help us! In about one more hour after that, Toriel will drop by, and We'll start training. So prepare yourself, y/f!'

You giggle and stroke a pose jokingly, trying to make up for your last fight with sans. She clearly still had that on her mind, but she laughed. Things were beginning to loosen up. You went back into the livingroom and thought about watching TV, but sans seemed to have other plans.

As soon as you were out of sight, sans put his remarkably strong hand around your wrist again and pulled. You resisted at first, but knew you couldnt start a fight right now, so you had no choice but to follow him.

When you arrived at his room, he let go and sat down. 'aight. theres some stuff we have to settle before you train' He immidiently said with a firm tone. You couldnt help but smile, amused to see sans serious for once, and you decided to annoy him like he always did you. 'Oh? Did we start something?' You asked, seeing how he grumbled and growled, probably cursing under his breath.

'dont joke about this, y/f. look. i know that you cant control all your magic, but at least try, okay? we dont want toriel to think that you belong in hell. might not end well for you' You just laughed. You knew that, but you knew just as well that the influence of sans, Alphys as a normal monster and the Queen and Undyne as Boss monsters would be far too much. You could just hope that Undyne had a lot of HP.

When the moment rolled around, their little picknick was set up and Undyne was ready to train you, the Queen showed up, and the first thing she insisted on was that you call her Toriel. She truly wasnt anything to be afraid of, she was kind, gentle and patient, and you decided to be your best, earning yourself dissaproving sounds from sans, who's fangs had already grown to their usual size and his hands, eye sockets and even the shade of his clothes had changed enough for Toriel to notice.

Alphys explained to her, and Toriel kept casting worried looks towards him for a while, but eventually got used to the sight. Sans didnt seem to mind looking the way he did, and considering his personality changed as well, you knew that he would probably be willing to kill you if you did anything wrong. For some sick reason, that made you more comfortable around him. You couldnt explain why.

Papyrus wasnt present for obvious reasons.

When you stood there, in a relaxed, but ready to fight position, Undyne used her magic and everything around you went black. You felt your soul reach out, and knew it was right infront of you. But there was also something strange... You could hear... Music?

You looked up at Undyne, puzzpled for a moment. Then she read your expression and laughed. 'Thats called a monster theme, punk. Every monster has it. And the dominating monster in a fight is the one who gets to play their theme. Its supposed to be a representation of your soul'

You could hear the music louder now, and realized that it sounded... heroic. It was upbeat and determined, and you liked the sound of it. It suited Undyne quite well.


Undyne stood ther for a moment, letting you get used to the surroundings. 'Alright, Punk! You know, or well, we know your magic is weird. SO LETS START WITH SOMETHING WEIRD! Instead of trying to attack me, wich will probably end horribly, your goal will be to disable me. To make me incapable of fighting without hurting me, okay?'

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now