Chapter 17, Promises

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last name/family name


The week went on so painfully slow that all you could think about was the next weekend. You still were able to do all of your work, but you snapped a few times and yelled at people when you were annoyed every day. Everybody was rumoring how it was because of your contact with monsters, but as soon as you heard that, you were so increadibly mad that you nearly strangeled the person with magic.

After that incident, your office was moved to a different place, and you had to have your lunch break there, not leaving it until you had checked out. You were a light bit more gumpy the day you found out about the new rules for you, but you were smarter than that. You didnt complain, and it honestly didnt really bother you either.

Friday evening seemed to creep along so slow that you thought you were going to die at work if the right time to go didnt roll around right now. One more hour later, you looked at the clock, jumped up and finally checked out. Going out of the building as quick as possible, you jumped on the earliest bus and were home after what seemed another eternity of waiting.

As soon as you closed the door to your apartment, you looked around and picked up your phone. Oddly enough, you had forgotten it at home, probably because you just wanted the weekend to roll around already. Checking through your meesages, you found one from Undyne and one from your work place. As soon as you read them, your brain locked up and you had to read them again. And again.

Undyne: Sorry to tell you this, but we cant meet this weekend. Actually, Im afraid you may not be allowed to come anymore at all... Toriel tried to get Sans back to normal, but its taking longer than usual, and she decided its probably the best for you both to stay away from one another. Youll be able to properly have your job again, and maybe your soul will go back to normal as well. -Undyne

HospitalOfSouls: We are sorry to inform you that our higher ranked staff has decided it would be best if you tried a different area of expertise. From monday on, we cannot have you at your usual workplace anymore.

You couldnt believe it. They wanted to just not allow you to come to monsters anymore, and you lost your job with the explanation that they dont think your meant for it?? You felt anger come up inside you, and not even trying to control it in the first place, you ran across the room, taking the glass vase that your mother had given you on your birthday once, and smashing it on the ground. You could feel tears fall down and hatred rage inside your soul.

You didnt even bother about your job that much, but not being able to visit them anymore? Despite everything, you always considered them your friends...

How dare they? How can they just shut you out like that? You needed  to see them, you had  to go there! But you already knew it was your own fault for them not allowing you to come anymore. With guilt and pain in your chest, you went over to your bed, missing the feeling of pressure whenever sans would try to either force you somewhere or hurt you.

This was ridiculous, and you knew it. But you just couldnt help it, you had to see them. You had to see him. You just had to.

But you couldnt anymore. They wont let you inside anymore, and if you use magic, then they will just use their fancy buttons on their devices to disable it. Hatred built up inside you again, you jumped up and started hitting the furniture and screaming.

After ten minutes, you were completely exhausted and fell back onto your bed, crying. Your sobs quietened, but you kept crying for a long, long time.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now