Chapter 13, Some (un)usual days...

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y/f - your first given name

y/l - your last given name/family name

~A few weekdays later


You swiftly unlocked the door to your apartment, threw your bag to the side and plummed onto your bed. Your muscels were still a bit sore from your jogg with Undyne. It was thursday, and you had just finished work. Your work had gone on as normally, only that every once in a while, you were called out to do some tests.

You just couldnt stop thinking about what the soul scan machine showed you.

Your soul was black and symbolized hatred.

It shouldnt have surprised you, but it did. You expected maybe some dark color, but not black completely. And what if you ever entered a real fight? Then you couldnt see your own soul, but others also couldnt see your attacks as well.

And thats another thing. You found out that with concentration and work, you could be able to control your Magic and use it while nothing and nobody is around so you wont need monster assistance everywhere you go to be able to use magic.

Alphys had dropped you the numbers of everybody else you knew on your new phone that she also gave you as a package in the mail. You noticed that a few people started treating you with mor respect since the soul thing, actually.

Oh, and the trains are working again, so Undyne wrote you a message one day that she wants to train with you next Saturday. She also told you how she kicked sans out of the guard and that Papyrus was only slowly recovering from a serious shock. Sans usualy stayed locked in his room, and nobody dares to approach him.

You sighed. You probably caused them more trouble in a few days than all of humanity did in 3 years.

You had thought about maybe messaging Undyne or Alphys when you were getting bored, but you decided they were probably already having a bad time dealing with sans and Papyrus. You snorted as you imagined how they would try to get them both closer as brothers again.

Sans was mainly back to normal as soon as you left though, and you yourself felt better as well. Less... like a monster, actually. Not that you had seemed to have minded the feeling. But you changed as well. You were more demanding and grumpy at work, and were basicly falling into your studies every time you could. You had already assisted in your first experiment today, even if you just held Equipment.

Your brain still couldnt process completely how much stuff happened over the course of just one Weekend, and you still werent sure what your relation to sans was. It was weird. You hated him in a way, but you also thought of him as a friend. You just couldnt decide yourself for one side.

You couldnt bear to see him die, but you laughed when you saw him hurt. Its just so weird...

Your head started to hurt the third time today because of the late night research you had been doing so often. You looked over at your phone and suddenly thought about texting sans. Then you just thought ah screw it, why not? and unlocked the screen.

It hardly took you a second to find sans' number and in a few taps, you had texted him.

You: Hey Sans. Look who has your number, idiot.

Sans: let me guess, y/f? how tf did you actually get my number?

You found it quite ironic that sans wrote without caps at all and you had to laugh.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now