Chapter 5, Fine times

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y/F - your first name

y/L - your last name


Sans blinked, obviously confused. Then he just glanced up and down you, and his smile grew more mischevious. 'welp, okay then. i think papyrus would actually-'

Steps from the stairs of the train station interrupted him. Papyrus was suddenly just standing there. 'OH DEAR! IM SO SORRY YOU DIDNT GET YOUR TRAIN HUMAN. BUT FEAR NOT! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAVE THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS!' You looked at him expectedly. He only seems a little bit worn out from his run, he wasnt even properly sweating.

'YOUR GOING TO STAY AT OUR PLACE TONIGHT!' Your eyes grew wide in surprise at his suggestion. 'I-I dont know. I dont want to be a bother, and maybe I can just-' 'NONSENSE, HUMAN! I MEAN Y/F! I WOULD BE GLAD TO OFFER YOU A STAY AT OUR WONDERFUL HOME!'

You still werent too sure about the skeletons' offer. You only got to know them for a few short moments and although they seemed very nice, it may not be the very best idea to fully trust them after only finding out their names today.

But Papyrus walked up to you, grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the station. You only had enough time to pick up your bag before you had to come with him. You tried to open your mouth, but then you saw sans expression in the corner of your eye and kept your mouth shut. You were pretty sure you could get sans on your bad side with simply a few sentences to his brother.

Just when you thought you knew in about how protective sans actually was over his brother, you found that you had put that times two. No, three.

The entire way, sans gave you glances, reminding you that you had to act your best, but the glances werent hostile. Rather... friendly, but still cautious. You could imagine it probably being because you were a human. It wouldnt surprise you if it were that. The fact that kept him from trusting you.

Your Legs felt like they were falling off, but you still tried to keep walking at the same pace as Papyrus and smile while doing it. While you had been walking, sans and Papyrus had started to talk, and you were beginning to understand why sans was so loving to his brother.

You finally, finally arrived at what seemed to be their house, as Papyrus announced. It was pretty big, so you assumed it might be something similair to an apartmenthouse maybe. You still cast a confused glance at sans and Papyrus, hoping they might give you an explanation.

Sans chuckeled. 'yep, this is our house. dont worry, not only ours. undyne and alphys also live in here. i dont think this exactly counts as kidnapping then' You stared at him a little offended at the word kidnapping. Why were they both treating you like you were a child?

Sure, Papyrus is tall and all, but still. You were an adult. But you couldnt exactly say anything as they both pulled you inside, Papyrus letting go of your wrist and closing the door. You looked around to find yourself standing in a relativly big livingroom. There was a connected kitchen and some stairs up and some down.

Sans casually went inside, sitting down on a pale green couch with a small table infront of it and turning on the TV opposite to it. The walls of the house were an odd sky blue, and the first floor had orange-red tiles all over it with the stairs being made out of dark spruce wood.

It was an odd combination, but it looked welcoming and open at the same time, so you decided that you didnt mind the strange picking of the colors. Papyrus motioned for you to put down your bag and then went inside the kitchen. You stood at the door a bit akwardly, not knowing what to do.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now