Chapter 22, An important solo Mission for two

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[The sadist inside me enjoyed looking for this picture for half an hour far too much. And dont be disgusted, this story has the warning thingy on it that allows me to do anything, your fault for ignoring it]

y/l - your last name/family name

y/f - your first given name

[Nope, no POV this time. They've grown pretty useless]

The humans inside the car were no obstacle to you.

You decided to mostly stick to your original plan, and nothing would hold you back from it. You moved your hand as you knocked out the last one of the 'helpers' by having your magic slam him against the car roof. Turning on your heel and beginning to run, you left the blood bath you had created behind you and moved towards the facility. You knew exactly what path to take so nobody could see you from it's windows.

The Entrance door was open, and you stood there for a moment to catch your breath after using so much magic at once and then sprinting through gardens and past trashcans. After looking into the darkness and feeling fear inside your chest for the split of a second, you gave yourself a push and went inside.

It turned out that all of the doors had been automatically opened by the backup system wich had realized that something was wrong by now. Some of the lights were out, and a strange dark blue and black fogg hung in the air, not allowing any light to come in through the windows. It was a truly strange sight. All of the receptions were empty, and it gave you a very eerie feeling to see your old work place like this.

Luckily, you knew exactly where the main control room was, and you could have walked there with your eyes closed, so finding your way wasnt much of a challenge to you. After entering the third corridor, a red light caught your attention and you turned around so see a small, sparkeling red star slowly drifting towards you.

Curiosity caught you and you took a step forward, watching the red light giving the fogg a beautifully unknown shine, and suddenly the strange light rushed forward in a flash and you felt yourself loose 2 HP. You looked around frantically, finding a small red device in the ceiling, where a second red light was now slowly floating down. It was more than easy to grip it with your magic and let your black energy swallow it whole, letting you regain 0.5 HP. You started walking again, not caring enough about your HP bar to wait until it was full again.

You walked past plenty of shut down and abandoned machines, recognizing all of them since you knew where they stood. When you were already getting close to the place where you knew sans was right now, you could see a few devices and rooms you could only recognize because you had seen pictures of them. They were the new additions to the family of functional small machines that would soon enough be all built into the SMEC.

You could already see the Big door towards the main room being open, and you slowed your pace so sans wouldnt notice your steps on the soft carpet beneath your shoes. When you stepped in carefully, you could see him at the control panel, pressing buttons and using the keyboard to type in the correct commands to make the machine stop. He was on the phone with Alphys, constantly reassuring her that he was fine and that he would be done soon.

You knew you only had the blink of a second, so you made your way towards the button you had studied so carefully in case you were ever in this kind of situation. It made all monsters incapable of using Magic in the room, area or all of human territory, although the latter was a work in progress. You slowly moved towards the buttons and held your hand over the one that would only disable the room.

The eigth Soul (Undertale AU) sans x reader (Dark Soul)Where stories live. Discover now