The only bad side

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Ugh! I'm so mad! Let me start from the beginning though, and then you will understand why I am so mad. My name is Aly and my best friend (which many people claim we're dating, so right now, just so you know, we AREN'T) my best friend's name is Max, he has to be the best guy ever. He is funny and sweet and caring and every now and then a bit annoying but I love him no matter what. Now I'm sure you people out there are all wondering why I'm mad right now. i can answer that for you, it's because my best friend, Max is curently dating the world's bitchest girl that has ever walked the planet. Her name is Lyndsey. Oh how i hate that Lyndsey. So one she drops every guy in school she's ever dated, leaving them heartbrocken and in shatters.  Max is the popularist guy in school and that's probably the only reason why that terrible girl is even talking to him. He's star on the baseball team and here's the worst part. I think I may be in love with him.

"ALY! WAKKEUUPP YOU SLEEPY HEAD GET UPPPPP GET UPPP GET OUTTA BED!' That was the first thing I heard this morning, oh joy. My daily alarm. Max stood over me and smiled, well yeah he's smiling, he's fully clothed! Here i am in a tank top and tiny shorts. I stared up at his breath taking smile. 'Stop it Aly get a hold of yourself!' "Are you awake?" He asked trying to hold back the laughter that was starting to erupt from himself as he stared at my annoyed face. I pushed him down off of me and walked to my bathroom. I washed my face and mentally slapped myself to get a grip. I came out and saw Max trying to cordinate my outfit and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"That doesn't go at all."  I said trying to hold back my laughter, man he was bad with girls style, but hen it comes to his own he does do a good job.

"It so does! Look the teal belt and your pink skirt work perfectly babe!" I laughed at his absurd nickname.

"Okay no. I'm black skirt with my white shirt and my teal belt and my teal flats with the black on the point."  I said smiling.

"I'm done! You are going to look like a wreck without my suggestions!" I laughed and pushed him out of my bedroom.

"Oh yes I'm sure i will be." I said laughing a little bit. After I finished getting dressed I let Max come back into my room as I put on makeup and curled my hair. Max looked at the clock as we were heading out of my room and suddenly yelled.

"We're going to be late!" He screamed and I grabbed my gronola bar and my coffee as Max pushed me out of my own house.

"By Mrs.Lane and Mr.Lane!" Max called as he closed the front door and pushed me into his car and started driving to school. "Aly why must you make me late all the time?"

"Hey I didn't ask for you to wait up for me."

"But I like hanging out with you and I can't because of baseball practice and Lyndsey....." Max knows of our weird past but never really asks about what happened, he just kinda accepts it. Another reason that I love him... I mean umm.... oh who am I kidding that's what I meant!

So that was the firsdt chapter, sorry if it take me a bit to upload both Jen and April and this story, it's hard to write both! Anyway comment and vote! Thanks again!

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