she returns

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Aly's POV

 Max leaned in to me, his hand reached my face and I shivered. What was happening?
"Your the one." Max repeated. I'm the one? ME? His face was 5 inches from mine when I felt a vibration. Max stopped and gave me a confused look. He reached into his pocket to see Lyndsey calling him. He pulled away and took out his phone and put it to his ear.

Max's POV

"Hey,  so I can see I've overreacted about our whole argument involving, you know her. Anyway how about we meet up at the fair, I'm almost there. See you soon?"
"Uhh well..."
"That's not a problem right? You aren't hanging out with Aly are you? You do realize I'm your girlfriend right?"
"Umm yeah. Can we meet any other day though?"
"No! Don't you realize that you could be doing anything right now, but if you come see me I'll know that you are truly in love with me." I sighed, damn she got me now.
"Oh-okay." I said and got off the phone. "Al?"
"I gotta go. Talk to you later."
"Wait are you going to drive me home?"
"Can't something came up, Roy can get you though, I'm sure."
I took off before I could see her face, completely fallen.

Aly's POV

My face fell, realizing what was happening. He was about to kiss me. Max Miller was so close to kissing me.  ME.  Aly Wane. I know exactly what happened.  That slut, whore, bitchaholic girl! She stole him away from me!

Lyndsey's POV
(pretty good timing if you ask me)

I took my phone from my ear. I glanced over at where they sat on the scrambler. My plan worked perfectly. I let Aly have her day with my boyfriend then I took it away from her. Good timing too, it looked like he was about to kiss her. Wow good thing I was here. I smiled deviously. Max got off the line and started searching for me. I saw Aly's face, yep exact face I was looking for. Betrayed. Yep perfect plan. Never fails.

Aly's POV

"What do you mean you can't pick me up?!" I yelled into the phone at Roy.
"I'm sorry! But I'm busy... Mmm um yeah busy, Al I gotta go. Sorry cya later, oh tell mom I won't be at dinner..." Roy hung up, what a player, I bet he was off doing it with some girl.  I rolled my eyes. I looked over to see Lyndsey clutching Max like he was hers. I can't take this, the glare from Lyndsey was taking me straight to the exit. I took off to the exit, tears making their way down my face. I reached the gate and started walking. This is just like the first time I met Lyndsey, and all the times after. Just then my phone dinged.
New message:
I always win. Always.

From: the bitch

 Lyndsey. Figures. Then under the text were 3 pictures, one was of Max and Lyndsey sharing cotton candy,  then one where she was sitting on his lap and staring into his eyes. Then finally, they sat there making out. Under that picture she wrote.

Guess I beat you to it, huh? Later loser

 My vision blurred from the tears that were welling in my eyes. Suddenly I heard a crack of thunder. Aw no. It can't rain now. There was another crack of thunder, it started off with a drizzle then it started down right pouring. My mom was at some important meeting now, and told us never to call her at work and well my dad... He was long gone. This was like a movie,  main character is sad, it rains. God what's wrong with the world? Suddenly a red Porsche sped my splattering muddy water all over me, I looked at the car in disgust and saw none other then Nancy Jones driving away in her car. Figures the bitches clones out to really ruin my day. I realized my phone was ringing and picked it up.
"Hey Al can you help me with my homework?" Steph was so unaware of what was happening to me.
"He betrayed me. He almost kissed me then ditched me for Lyndsey, and Nancy splattered me with muddy water and it's raining and Roy is doing some girl and won't pick me up. Steph I hate my life."
"Where are you."
"A little ways down the road from the fair by Anne's farm."
"Okay stand outside Anne's farm, I'll come get you."
 I saw Max's car pass right by me, and as it did, Lyndsey threw her cotton candy stick right at me.  It hit me in the hand, and Max's car splashed me slightly. My best friend for so long. How could he do this? What I really don't understand is why after all these years, Lyndsey still hates me. If she always wins, how come I'm still her main target?

Lyndsey's POV

That little whore finally got her payback. Maybe she will finally realize what that one mistake that hurt me was. Maybe she will finally learn. I don't want to be her friend..even if our sleepovers were legendary and...and... and that was long ago and I'm done. I'm done.

Don't we all hate Lyndesy? Haha, if you have a Lyndsey in your life, comment and tell me bout her. we all got Lyndsey's. They suck! haha (i'm so sorry if ur name is Lyndsey i mean nothing by it, it's a great name!) haha anyway thanks for reading! I'll update soon! (probably tomrrow) read on!

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