She returns

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Aly's POV

"Why must everyone wake me up?" I screamed back at Stephanie as she yelled in my ear. Max them jolted awake and looked around dazed, his hands had traveled from my hair to my waist. I started to get up but Max wouldn't let go of me.
"Max? Wonna let go now?" My face was starting to heat up from his touch and the fact that he wouldn't let go.
"Nooo. Come back! I'm sleeping, and you are too." He said and lightly pushed me back on the bed and trapped me with his long legs in between my own, and his arms around my waist. I groaned.
"What embarrassed?" Max asked smirking, and my face turned red.
"Why are you cuddling with me?!" I asked again as I tried to get away from him but he just held me closer.
"Because I love you Al." I was amazed at how cool he sounded when he said this.
"Max, Aly, I'd love to sit here all day and listen to you too fight over all your relationship crap, but don't you wonna hear who framed Roy?" Stephanie asked, obviously excited to say the news.
"Wait, he was framed? Huh?" I asked. Max then told me about the text he got and how Stephanie was about to tell us who the real person was that didn't approve of us.
"It was Lyndsey."

Max's POV

Lyndsey Bloom. My ex-girlfriend. She framed Roy, she was always was a sneaky bitch. She went to Aly's house and spied on her telling Roy about us. Then Lyndsey got a new number, I didn't recognize and she texted me and told me to stay away from Aly. That devious little bitch.

Aly's POV

"That bitch! She broke us up!" I screamed when I found out Lyndsey had done. That's it, I have got to get to that girl and tell her to fuck off! I got up off the bed but Stephanie caught me before I could run out the door.
"Hey listen Aly, I'm gonna drive both you guys to my house, and you are not going after Lyndsey. I know that look in your eye. You have to forget about her, we'll deal with her soon enough. I know it sucks but believe me, it's for the best." I just nodded, and Steph led me to her car along with Max. Me and Max took the back of the car, while Stephanie started driving to her house. Once we got inside her house, she told us her parents were away on some business trip at their company and we decided to go watch tv in her movie room. It was giant. There was a ginormous couch, with these giant plasma screen and amazing surround sound and she could watch it all in 3D if she wanted to. We hopped on her couch and started watching tv while Steph went to get some popcorn. I fell asleep in Max's lap for about the 3rd time today.

Stephanie's POV

"She had a hard day huh." I said as I came back in with popcorn and saw Max stroking her affectionately.
"Yeah, I hope she's okay. She seemed pretty pissed." Max answered nodding is head sadly.
"Hey you wonna go make some brownies? I know Aly will feel better if she can stuff something sweet down her throat when she wakes up." I answered and Max chuckled and got up but mad sure to lay her head on a couch pillow. We walked into the kitchen and set to work.

Max's POV

About a half hour later, we had two batches of brownies in the oven, and one batch was already done. We ate a few then iced them, grabbed a plate and put like 8 on it for Aly. I grabbed a glass and poured some milk, and I walked into the movie room, Steph was coming in a sec, she was just finishing up the rest of the brownies that needed icing. I walked into the room and saw a note on the tv. I walked over and read it aloud.
'Lyndsey has to pay. I'll be back soon. I love you both-A' I dropped my glass of milk and sprinted for the doorway.

Thanks for reading! Anyone expect it to be Lyndsey? Well the next chapter is super intense, I don't even know how I'm supposed to top it! Also to the person who's- dark_star87 - Thank you so much for voting, on like every chapter! Haha sorry I had to tell you in (sorta) in person, you are the best!!!

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