the truth comes out

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Aly's POV

"Good game huh?" I asked, smiling. I really should do this more often.
"Yeah that was a sick game! Thanks for the wings... You wouldn't happen to have a reason for why you bought those and hung out with me right?" He said giving me a look. I nodded hesitantly and Roy sighed. "Alright Al. Tell me." I took a deep breath and then let it all out.
"I'm sooo sorry Roy! I didn't want to keep the from you, but I'm dating someone you wouldn't like, but I love him and have for a while, and I can't live without him, and don't be mad, please please please don't be mad! I can't stand you being mad at me! I love you Roy!" I stammered out I one breath and Roy just raised his eyebrow.
"So who are you dating?"
"Who are you dating?" Roy repeated patiently.
"Your not ma-mad?"
"I don't know who he is's a he right?" I hit Roy's arm.
"Roy!" Roy chuckled and he smiled.
"So?" He asked titling his head.
"It's um...Max."
"Max Miller?" I nodded my hair timidly. "Wow should have seen that one coming."
"What do you mean?"
"It's so obvious. You guys are good together."
"Your not mad?" I asked, surprised.
"No of course I am. But I'll deal with it. As long as you like him." I nodded smiling " But if he goes and breaks your heart, he won't be breathing much longer..."
"Roy!" He chuckled again as I hit his arm.
"Kidding kidding... Maybe..." He smirked and I hit his arm. "Alright I won't kill em, but no smooching in front of me!" I laughed.
"No problem!" I said and saluted him. He chuckled and I hopped up the stairs to my room.
"Yo Al! Aren't you gonna help me out here?"
"Help you with what?" I asked poking my head out of my doorway.
"Cleaning up dinner?" Roy called up gesturing to the living room, and I laughed.
"Hey you threatened to kill my boyfriend, you owe me! Plus I payed for dinner! You should be thanking me!" I called back down, laughing as I shut my bedroom door.

Max's POV

I got a text from Aly and smiled. Finally something to do! It's 10:30 on a school night. I usually don't got t be until at least 11:15 on a school night, but by now I was about to go to sleep early. That's how bored I was. That's why I was so happy when Aly texted me.

'Hey boyfriend! So I told Roy and he took it really well!' She sent, and I grinned.

'That's awesome! :) I love you <3' I sent back with another grin. God I love Aly. She really is the bet girlfriend. I'm so glad I finally got a chance with her. I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything! A few minutes later I got another text. I went to go check it, expecting Aly but it says it's from un unknown number. I shrug and open the text thinking they texted the wrong number. I mean it's not like I just give out my phone number randomly, it's gotta be someone messing up. I'm about to delete it when my own name catches my eye. Could this actually be for me? I quickly read the text.

'Max Miller. Dating Aly? Your best friend? Well I don't like that too much. You may try to figure out who I am, actually you'll probably get it very quickly. But here's the thing... Stay away from Aly. I only just learned tonight she's going out with you. Yeah you may like her now but I know what your doing. She's just another girl, just another girl that USED to be yours. As in you have to breakup with her. If you know what's good for you you'll back away from my Aly and never look back. Also. If you tell her about this message... Well then Rebecca won't have anymore good days...might not even see daylight. So hear me one more time, and do as I say. Breakup with Aly. Never go near her again or I'll break your face and hurt one of the ones you love the most. Elle is a sweet would be tragic for her to meet up with Zack again...Breakup with Aly by the end of next week...or else.'

My body froze. Breakup with  Aly? Why would I even think of doing that? Is it really Roy? Does he hate me that much to put Elle in danger? Tears welled in my eyes. I guess there's only one thing to do now....

Haha! I know I hate cliffhangers too, but I can't help but put them in my writing, they are too much fun!!! Haha yeah I know, I suck. Haha so his choice? What do you think he's gonna do? Comment! And vote if you have a second :) Thanks!!!

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