the heatbreak </3

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Aly's POV

"Oh my god. Get in!" Steph yelled out to me. I got in her silver minivan that was her mom's and shut the door. I took the towel Stephanie was holding out to me and dried my clothing and hair. I then climbed to the back and started changing out of my clothes.
"So what happened?"
"Max betrayed me."
"He ditched me for that bitch."
"Who else?" I asked rolling my eyes at her name. "He almost kissed me."
"No way!"
"Yeah but I think she knew he was going to kiss me, she sent me this picture."
"Ew." Steph said looking at the picture.
"Look at the caption."
"That bitch!"
"Tell me about it."
"Ugh, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!"
"Wait what?" I screeched slipping Steph's t-shirt over my head.
"I'm going to call her off! Now!"
"What! Steph no!"
"Give me one good reason why not!"
"This is my fight, not yours, let me fight it it." Stephanie sighed and nodded.
"Alright fair enough, but you need to tell her off!"
"I'll do better then that. I think this calls for some revenge. And for all I care she can keep Max."
"Your over him?" Steph asked.
"Not one bit."

Max's POV

 I'm an asshole. I'm a freaking asshole. I just left Aly. I made a conscious decision to ditch her. Why? Don't bother asking because I don't know. I mean  Lyndsey is great, don't get me wrong, but bestfriend since 4th grade. She's suddenly 10 times prettier and 10 times smarter and...100 times better then every other girl in comparison. So why am I with Lyndsey while she's dress shopping? Don't ask me. My own mind is a mystery to me. Aly, Aly how I miss her. She wouldn't make me go dress shopping, she would be with me, doing stuff we both like. But that's what friends do right? Are we even friends? I actually ditched her for Lyndsey. Would she ever forgive me? I pulled out my phone to text her.
"What do you think?" Lyndsey walked out in a pink sparkly dress that was not appropriate for our school's Christmas dance. It was hugging her in a way that her boobs looked like they were d-cups instead of b cup. Her butt looked ginormous. Should I like that?
"Um great." I said absent mindedly while I started a text to Aly.
"Who are you texting?"
"Um yeah."
"But we're dress shopping for me. Not John." She climbed on my lap in her tiny dress. It started to hitch up so I could see her purple lacy thong. Damn she's all over me and all I can do is think about Aly. Aly. I sighed
"Something wrong?" Lyndsey asked, completely strataling me on my lap.
"No, just thinking about presents for my family for Christmas."
"Okay." She said winking, the got up and back into the dressing room. I texted Aly.

"I'm so sorry, I owe you big time."

 I pressed send and hoped it was enough.

Aly's POV

"That's his apology? A freaking text? You have GOT to be kidding me!"
"He's ridiculous!"
"Although he did apologize..."
"Aly, he kissed you then ditched you for his slut!"
"Almost kissed me!" I corrected
"Don't answer him."
"I feel so bad! He must feel terrible."
"Good he deserves it."
"But I-"
"No!" Steph grabbed my phone and shoved it in her back pocket. "Let him be, he deserves it."

Max's POV

I looked at my phone again about 5 minutes later. Then 5 minutes after that I did the same. No answer. Man I really screwed up this time didn't I?

Everyone hate Max now? Haha, when I sent a copy to my friend, she was like "damn hate that guy!" haha btw she has some stories on here that aren't bad, her name-JasmineCharles- thanks again! Comment and Vote pleeassee! :)

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