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Max's POV

I was sprinting down the hallway when all the lights went out and the doors all locked automatically. I felt someone run into me and I screamed and they screamed too.
"Who are you?!"
"Oh few is that you Al?"
"Yeah that's me."
"Aly I'm scared."
"Me too..." there was a sudden crackle of life through the intercom.

'Max...Aly...You can't run forever. I suggest everyone leave the building or I'll blow it all up.' there was a pause and Zack continued. 'Now Max, Aly. It's time for you to feel the same pain that I have.' The intercom crackled and was off again. Suddenly there was noise from the stairwell and we took off running.
"We've gotta get outta here!" I whispered to Aly.
"I know where can we go?" I spotted some keys on the floor and we ran to the closest janitors closet.

Aly's POV

Max locked the door to the janitor's closet and turned toward me. His breathing was heavy and short from running. We heard the foot steps approaching us. They became louder and louder. Max suddenly was grabbing on to me and pulling me into his chest. I grabbed his shirt and he reached down to my face. Suddenly, Max took my face and made me face him. His eyes were just barley easy to see. He suddenly leaned in and kissed me. He leaned back then whispered into my ear. "I love you and if this is how it's going to end, then I'm glad I'm with you." Max held my waist and kissed me more passionately. At first I didn't respond, because well I'm in a janitors closet for christ's sake! Then I realized I might die, and if I love Max like I know I do, I might as well say screw it. I started to kiss back, and Max silently kissed me. The foot steps and started to come closer, and Max was kissing me more urgently now. Suddenly the foot steps walked right next to the door, stopped. Our breathing had halted and we just stood there staring into each others eyes. The food steps then continued down the hall. We both let out a gasp of air that we'd been holding. I suddenly became aware of Max's strong arms around my waist and my arms tightly wrapped around his neck. I immediately stepped away, blushing. Thank god it was dark in this closet. I would never have guessed that, after being chased by Zach that we'd make out in a closet. That has to be the strangest thing ever. Max suddenly whispered in my ear.
"We gotta get outta here, there's an air duct above our heads, I'll lift you up then climb up myself. Got it?" I nodded then realized he couldn't really see my face.
"Oh and...about that kiss.." Max said, I could see the grin on his face without any light in here. That's how predictable he is. I rolled my eyes.
"Lets talk later, right now let's get the fuck outta here."
"Okay, I got you." Max said grabbing my waist and lifting me up to the vent. I quietly took off the top and pulled myself in and started to move then heard Max crawl in as well. We started inching down the vent until I saw some light. I looked out to see the main office.
"Should be this way." I said crawling in the direction to the exit. Mac followed silently. Then suddenly he had to ruin it.
"You know, this is kinda romantic..." Max trailed off, and I rolled my eyes.
"In your dreams, now shut up and crawl."
"Whatever you say." I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I rolled my eyes again. Suddenly it came to a dead end. I peeked out to see police cars. Damn we were on the 5th floor weren't we.
"Okay Max were on the 5th floor, I'm going to open this, don't move forward or I'll fall out okay? I'm going to call down to the policemen."
"Okay." Max said. I reached over and unlatched the vent door. I opened it and started to yell when I found myself starting to fall.
"Po-AHHHHH!" two strong hands held on to my waist though. Tingles were sent through my body. Why now? Police from below, started calling up and sending people up to get us down. We also saw police men run into the building in search of Zack. Some Firefighters came up and they smiled. Max was still holding on to my waist as I realized this, a blush crept on to my face. The firefighters helped me and Max onto their lift and brought us down. I was so scared I let Max wrap his arms around me and I cried lightly into his chest.
"I-I was so scared." I said shivering in his grasp.
"I know. Shh I know. It's alright Al. I gotcha." Max said soothingly. He rubbed my back and I started to fall asleep in his arms. I woke up to someone yelling.
"Max Miller! You brought my sister into this and she was almost killed! KILLED!" I wakeup to the sound of Roy yelling. I looked up in time to see Roy throwing a punch at Max. I jumped up and stood between them.
"Roy! Stop!" Roy pouted. Them realizing I was awake grabbed me and hugged me.
"Aw Aly I thought you were dead!"
"Why would I be dead?" Roy just shrugged and then turned to a scared looking Max.
"Hold on Aly I gotta beat this guy up."
"Roy no!" Roy looked annoyed but stepped back. He glared at Max one more time then walked away.
"Thank you." Max said dropping his eyes to the floor. I just nodded my head. Then suddenly his lips were on mine again. I didn't feel fireworks though. I felt everything but fireworks. I felt amazing, I felt like I was flying. Then it was gone. It took me a second to realize I was the one that pulled away. "What's wrong?" Max asked.
", I can't do this."
"But you can! Oh Aly I love you."
"But I can't love you." I said, walking away. I felt his hand grab my wrist and pull me back into his arms. Tears had already started to fall but I didn't care. Max leaned down and whispered in my ear.
"Oh but you can." And we stayed like that all night until I fell asleep in his arms.

Like the chapter? I enjoyed writing it! Comment me for feedback! Thanks again!

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