problems with Max?

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I hoped out of Roy's car and walked onto the fair ground, and quickly spotted Max.  He kinda stood out from all the others. Made sense,  all the girls were swooning around him. He looked up and smiled when he saw me. Will my heartbeat slow down?!
"Al!" Max said, I stifled a laugh, all the girls were holding him down.
"Max, hey." I couldn't get him out, no matter what I did.
"Aly! Hey girlfriend!" He said, my heart skipped a beat. Girlfriend?
"Um hey Max, my boyfriend, ready to go to that booth?" I asked slightly confused but I played along anyway.
"Of course!" Max some how got away after he had mentioned he had a girlfriend. That gained my some glares from the girls that were around him. He took my hand and we started walking away. "Thanks for playing along, they would not get off of me!" I chuckled.
"No problem." I sighed, well that explained it. "So what booth are we doing?"
"Oh umm...the ring toss?" Max said in such a way I knew it was a lie.
"Max? What booth are we doing?" I said eyeing him suspiciously.
"Well..." He started scratching his neck nervously.
"Max! What is it? A ball tank? How about the cotton candy stand?" I said, he knows I hate both of those, cotton candy makes me feel sick to the stomach and the ball tank...well you have to fall in a tank of water and it's the middle of October. "What is it Max?!"
"Umm a kissing booth?"
"You signed us up for what now?!" I said my eyes big from the thought.  A kissing booth? Ew, that's just gross. Kissing random strangers? Gross!
"I'm sorry Al but that was the last booth."
"I wonder why." I grumbled in annoyance.
"Aw Al don't be mad at me." He puffed out his bottom lip. My heartbeat sped up, god his face... I could just wrap my arms around his neck and... No! No no no! I have to stop this! I sighed in how he has me just wrapped around his finger and he barley knows.  He took this as a "I'm not mad at you" and grabbed my hand and dragged me to the booth.
"Come on, what guy would want to sit in line and pay 15 tickets to kiss me?"
"Anybody! Here." Max moved closer and he took out my hair tie,  then ran away,  returning with mascara and lipstick. I looked at him in horror.
"Um woah no, I'm not putting some of that on my face."
"No but my friend Kaylee will." Max turned to her and smiled. She blushed and moved toward me.
"Ready?" She asked smiling sweetly. I sighed,  no way I'm getting out of this one.  Kaylee took out some eye shadow and dusted a pale pink over my eye lids then traced her eye liner all around my eyes then took out mascara and made my eyelashes  stick straight up. After that she finished with a pale pink lip gloss. She showed my a mirror and of course I just shrugged but in realty, damn I looked hot. I saw one guy whistle to me, I looked up and he made the signal that he wanted me to call him. I rolled my eyes,  wow what a moron. Max grinned though.
"Look at that! See in no time guys will be lining up." Max sure as hell was right too.  We opened and in 5 minutes, 3 people were in each line. I mostly did just little pecks on the lips but then of course one guy came. Now this guy was absolutely hot. He had blonde hair that flips up a bit from hair gel.  He had a musky scent and when he approached the stand his deep green eyes were hypnotizing me to the spot.  Damn. He walked up and put 30 tickets down.
"Um it's actually 15 tickets." I said cocking my head a bit.
"If I give you double can I get a real kiss?" He said obviously flirting with me. Before I could answer, Max did.
"It says 15 tickets for a kiss,  you get what you get and you don't get upset." Max said so seriously I could barley believe he was 16. The guy glared at him.
"Okay fine but can I still get that kiss?" He said smirking.
"Umm well..." Before I could answer the guy grabbed my waist and tried sticking his tongue in my mouth. I started to squirm to get away and he just tightened his grip, when suddenly he wasn't in front of me anymore. I looked around confused,  then saw him on the floor groaning in pain, and clutching his jaw. I turned to see Max with his hand still in a fist. Oh my god... Max punched him. Max sensed my gaze and he moved close to me and gently to my waist and tilted his head to see me better.
"Never,  ever, ever let a guy do that to you, if something like that happens to you again I'll be ready to go and beat him up. Nobody can treat you that way." Max said his eyes never breaking contact with mine. Suddenly I felt him moving closer and now one of his hands were holding the back of my hand. His lips were 8 inches from mine when we heard the guy who had originally tried to kiss me scream. We jumped in surprise and my face turned a bright red.
"Max Miller! This guy says you punched him while he was kissing Aly here." my face turned even redder, realizing fully what just almost happened.
"Um yeah, I quit,  so does Aly." He said grabbing my hand and dragging me to his car silently. I didn't try to make him let go, I had no clue what was going on in his mind. We finally stopped in front of his car. "Get in." He said, and I did as he commanded. He took a deep breath and we started driving. Once we stopped at my house, Max turned off the car but hadn't unlocked the door so I was forced to sit there.
"You first." I said, and Max started.
"So when should I get you tomorrow? Because I was thinking-"
"Wait what?"
"When should I pick you up for school tomorrow?"
"What about the you know...almost-"
"Aly what are you talking about?"
"Well the umm...almost kiss?"
"What almost kiss?" Max asked his eyebrows furred and a look on his face that revealed nothing saying he knew what I was talking about.
"Umm I'll just text you." I said hoping out of the car.
Max's POV

"Umm I'll just text you." Aly said hoping out of the car and sprinting to her house.
"Shit, I mean I think she believes me but come on, what was I thinking?" I mumbled to myself. I can't believe that, I almost kissed my best friend. She's more then a best friend,  she's like my sister, and I almost kissed her....what's wrong with me?

Hey! intense chapter huh? I loveed it! what'd you think? btw! picture of Lyndsey on the side! Comment and vote! thanks! :)

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