the bitch is back

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Aly's POV

No. This is not happening. Max can't just all of a sudden love me! I'm trying to get over him! Okay Aly just reject can do this.
"I-" before I could answer, Max's lips were on mine. His tongue forcefully made its way into mine. I couldn't resist so I kissed him back. The sweetness of his lips on mine was unbelievable. I felt dizzy from the feel of him. His hands found my waist and mine made their way to his neck. I never wanted to let go, but at the same time I wanted to. I got the will power to get myself away from him. I stomped out of the library, which earned me a glare from Miss.Green the librarian. What's wrong with me? He hurt me! I can't just give myself up to him because he has gorgeous lips. A tear slid down my cheek. Why must I make such hard decisions? Suddenly two hands held me back. Max.
"Where are you going?!"
"Away." I said quickly trying to get our of his grasp.
"But you just kissed me!"
"Correction, you kissed me."
"Either way you responded."
"Shut up Miller!" tears started to form in my eyes. "You hurt me and I'm not letting you do it again. Leave me the fuck alone! I hate you!" those three words left my mouth, I has never guessed they would pass my lips. Well that was before Max's tongue passed my lips and kissed me. He hurt me I can't forget that. Tears started to roll down my face.
"If that's how you feel..." Max let go of my waist and I turned around to see him backing away from me. Tears were slowly making their way to his eyes as well. I started walking away before I broke down all together. Halfway down the hall, I heard six words. They were barley audible, but I heard it. "I guess I hate you too." my tears smudged my makeup as I tore down the hallway to be anywhere but there. I can't stay here, if I do I'll never be able to stop myself from going back to him and just giving him a big hug.

Max's POV

My heart felt like it's been torn from my chest. The words I has never expected came from the on I loved.
"I hate you." It pierced my heart and I felt as if all I wanted was some love. I took off home and sat down. I flipped through my contacts and stopped on Lyndsey. I texted her.

Wonna come over?

Two minutes passed and I had a reply.

Bout time. What should I wear ;)

I gagged slightly, before typing the next words. I need a distraction and hopefully this is it.

The skimpiest thing you own :)

About 15 minutes later, Lyndsey showed up at my door. She walked in, in sweats and a t-shirt.
"Did you get my last text?" I asked confused.
"Oh I'm wearing it... I was just hoping you would help me take off these other clothes." I dated this chick? Why? We're the first things that popped into my head. I just smirked and led her to my bedroom, like she didn't already know where it was. Oh well distraction time.

Aly's POV

"He fucking kissed you?!" Steph said the minute I finished telling her. We were sitting in my car, I texted her and she snuck out to see me.
"Jesus Christ! What a dick!"
"Was it wrong that I enjoyed it?" Steph was silent.
"I don't know."
"Helpful." Stephanie just shrugged and sat there in silence with me.
"How am I supposed to get over him if he keeps trying to kiss me and love me?"
"You know Al? I really don't know."

Max's POV

Lyndsey sat on my lap and sucked at my neck. This was disgusting. Who am I kidding? Lyndsey is no Aly. No one is like Aly. Lyndsey had pretty much pulled off all of my clothes but my boxers. She sat on my lap with only her bra and thong on. She kept giving me big slobbery kisses all along my jaw and neck. Gross. Finally I pushed her off of me.
"Baby?" She asked pouting.
"Come on, I was just getting started."
"No means fucking no!" I suddenly yelled, why couldn't this hoe get with the program? Suddenly she tackled me onto my bed. She started trying to take off my boxers, but I grabbed her hands and pushed her back again.
"Get the fuck off of me you hoe!" She suddenly stopped, her eyes had grown huge.
"Asshole! I came here and tried to please you but you are just pushing me away! Make up your damn mind!"
Lyndsey shrieked, obviously irritated.
"Here's what my damn mind thinks, get the fuck out of here Lyndsey!"
"Fine I will, go fuck Aly, that worthless whore will suck anyway, then once you realize, I'll be waiting for your apology." she left and as he was reaching for the front door's handle I yelled down to her.
"I'd rather fuck Aly then you! At least with Aly, it'd mean something to me!" Lyndsey just screamed in frustration and slammed my front door without another word. I've never  turned down Lyndsey's body before. I realized when I went back to my room and pulled my pants on. I must be falling hard for Aly...and with that I sighed and hopped on my bed to let sleep take me away.

Didn't think Lyndsey would be gone forever huh? lol she is so desperate! Anyway, comment and vote! thanks! :)

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