the bestfriends of the broken-hearted

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Sorry if the beginning is confuing. Don't worry, it will go bck to normalness soon after the first pargrpah

Aly's POV

'I traveled through the 7 levels of the candy cane forest, past through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then...I walked through the LinkedIn tunnel!' Buddy the elf said excitedly from the tv. I had a half carton of chocolate chip mint ice cream in front of me. I was trying hard not to giggle because I can't be happy. I can't laugh. Max broke my heart. I was literally heartbroken. But buddy the elf sure is funny... I grabbed my ice cream and continued eating like a pig. Why do I care? It's not like I have a boyfriend anymore. It's not even like I have two friends anymore....I only have one now. Just Steph. I mean I love Steph but.... No! I can't think of him he broke my heart. Suddenly the movie was on pause and Steph was staring at me.
"You okay?"
"Yeah why?" I asked trying to smile, but failed miserably.
"Well your fake smiling, and you had all these emotions come over you in like a second. Then it went away and you just tried to mask it from me." Steph said giving me a sad smile. I sighed.
"It hurts Steph. I've never felt so unhappy and so betrayed. I mean he was my best friend.... He didn't even look like he wanted to break up with me, I miss him so much, I can't live with out him see-"
"Wait what's you say?" Steph asked cutting me off.
"I miss him so much and I can't live with out him?"
"No no before that." She said determination in her eyes. I had to think back to what I had said...
"Oh he didn't look like he wanted to break up with me?"
"Yes that!"
"What about it?" I asked confused.
"Maybe he was pressured to break up with you."
"No, he probably just knew our friendship was going to be over." I said shrugging.
"Did he do anything before he just left?" Steph asked.
"Err no?" I said hesitantly.
"What happened. Spill!"
"Err he kissed me and said he had to do this one more time..." I trailed off. Just retelling it was making me want to cry.
"He must still care! He's not going to tell us why so... I know exactly what to do!" Steph then go up and slipped on her shoes and grabbed her jacket.
"Steph where are you going?!" I yelled out the door after her.
"HOME I HAVE A PLAN!" Steph yelled back, ignoring the annoyed stares from the neighbors.

John's POV

"Hey Max!" I yelled as I climbed back into the tree house. I had been out getting food like giant slushy's and giant cookies with warm pretzels from 7-11. Max had gotten a generator and we used it to power lights and play Call of Duty on his Xbox. I sat down on a bean bag chair and gave him his half of the food.
"Thanks John."
"Yeah no problem. That's why I'm here. To get you junk food and play Xbox." I said and Max cracked a smile. We then began playing and eating food. It was a good way to get over her. This was always a good way, it's better then siting around depressed. That's when Max got a call from Elle. He paused the game and answered his cell phone.
"Hello?" Max asked. "Yeah El. Don't worry I'm with John. No I'm not getting drunk... El chill I'm fine. Yes really! Yeah I'm playing COD. Elle can you just leave me alone? I'll tell you later. I don't want to say now." I saw Max's eyes start tearing up. "Thanks El I know. Okay cya later. Maybe tomorrow. Okay bye." Max hung up. He didn't un-pause the game though. He just sat there. Staring out the window, not at anything in particular, just state ing. I took a sip of my slurpy and just waited for him to snap our of this weird trance. After about 5 minutes I finally spoke up.
"You wonna talk about it?" I asked and Max didn't let his gaze slip from the window.
"I love her." I nodded at his response.
"I know dude. This sucks."
"You have no idea. She's like my soul mate and now..." I nodded knowing where he was going. "What can I do?"
"There's not much you can do Max." I said sighing at how sad this was. He loved her, she loved him, and now there it was almost like there was a barrier between them. I hate seeing Max like this. "How bout this, we chill today, and tomorrow, then go to a party tomorrow. Drink and forget everything that happened."
"I don't know... I don't think I'm up for a party."
"Come on Max we gotta get you outta this slump." I said and he nodded. I quickly texted back Stephanie.

'Max is going. Can you tell me what the plan is?'

She texted me back in a matter of seconds.

'You'll see. I'll get Aly there too. Just go with it. They are getting back together.'

I texted her why Aly and Max can't be together and Stephanie swore not to say anything but said if their was any problem then we could take the blame. I just texted her back and said.
'You realize Zack the maniac might come after us then?'

She texted back and finalized the decision.

'These are our friends. I'm not going to let love die like this. How bout you?'

I agreed and put my phone away. This wasn't going to end like this. Fuck you Roy. Love will come together again. I'm not done with you Roy, I'm so not done with you.

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