Aly's down fall...permantly?

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*unknown point of view*

I watched silently. I knew now wasn't the time to strike but I would eventually. Aly was going to pay. I found a letter in Lyndsey's room and it said all about how much she hated Aly for what he did so long ago. She almost killed her multiple times. I think it's time for me to finish her crazy, but at the sametime genius idea. I smiled deviously, and shoved my gun in my bag then turned on my car and drove away without a backwards glance.

Aly's POV

"I'm just soo tired though!" I screeched back at Max. He was trying to pull me out of my bed while I clung to it as though it were my life.
"Come on babe, you can't stay here forever!"
"I so can! And you can stay with me!" I said back. My arms were tightly wound around my bed post while Max was trying to pull me by my legs. He chuckled at my comment but then let me go.
"Alright you win."
"I do?" I asked unbelievingly.
"Yep. I give up. I'll just have to go to school alone."
"BYE MAX I LOVE YOU!" I screamed at him while I cuddled down in my blankets, still clutching the bed post just in case. Suddenly I felt two strong hands on me. I then felt his warm breath blowing against my neck, making me shiver.
"Your going to get out of bed, or else." Max's voice was so low and sounded so sexy, I didn't know what to do. My grip started to slowly I loosen. That's when Max started tickling me, my eyes popped open as realization hit me. My hands left my bed post as I tried to push Max away from me, while laughing at the same time.
"I warned you!"He yelled back, laughing along with me. Suddenly our eyes met and Max stopped tickling me. He looked deep into my hazel eyes, making me shiver.  He leaned down and started to kiss me, but then I pushed him away.
"What's wrong?" I paused and Max stared at me. "Is this about Lyndsey? Come on she'll be fine." Max tried to kiss me again, but I pushed him off of me, I got up off my bed and crossed the room.
"Max you go to school. I can't handle this now."
"You can't handle me?" Max asked, hurt crossing momentarily in his voice. I shook my head but didn't look back at him. I sighed.
"Max please? You can visit me during your free period, but today I don't feel up to school. Please just go." I said shutting my eyes, not liking how guilty I felt. I heard Max get up from my bed. Suddenly his warm, strong arms wrapped around me, making me sigh and lean my head back onto his shoulder.
"I'll do what you want, but mark my words, when my free period comes along, your going to have a hard time making me leave." Max said kissing my cheek and leaving for school. But not before poking his head back in my room. "I love you." He said smiling. I couldn't help the smile from making its way to my face.
"I love you too." He smiled, satisfied and I heard him jog down the stairs and out, on his way to school.

Max's POV

I hoped in my car and in a matter of minutes, pulled up to school. I strolled in the building and was soon greeted by Dean and John.
"Hey guys what's up?" I asked smiling slightly.
"Nothing really wonna hang today?" John asked as we made our way down the hallway.
"Mm...I don't know. Al needs me right now."
"Free period?" Dean asked. But I shook my head.
"Sorry guys, all my time is with Al, she is not in a good state right now."
"How about we do a scary movie fest at her house then? We'll be gone by 11 so you guys can get it on." Dean said the last part so seriously I couldn't help but start cracking up.
"I'll check with her, but sounds like a plan."

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