the favor

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Aly's POV
I sat outside of school waiting for Max to come from his football meeting. It was supposed to be a 15 minutes but by now it's been a half hour. I had already finished my homework in my free period. So now I was just lying on a bench outside of school, staring at the empty parking lot. I had played angry birds for a while but even that started to get boring.
"What are you doing here?" They can never give me a break can they? Lyndsey, Nancy and her other clone Jessica stood on either side of her.
"Um waiting for my best friend, like you care, oh wait you do." I added smirking happily that she was so pissed off about me hanging out with Max.
"Whatever we have Cheerleading practice."
"I thought it was try outs?" Jessica asked dumbly. She was that typical dumb blonde you'd expect. Pretty but just so unintelligent.
"It is. But we're so good, we are guaranteed spots." I rolled my eyes at Lyndey's response. Wow will she ever realize how shallow she is?
"Hey girls, Al, Lyndsey." Max said walking out the door behind me and smiling at everyone. The two girls blushed while Lyndsey's face lit up while I just rolled my eyes.
"Hey Max!" She said. Lord can you be more annoying?
"Hey, heading to Cheerleading try outs?"
"Yep, you wonna stay for them?" She asked. Okay is she dumb? Well we all know the answer to that, but seriously? I bet she's doing this just to sabotage me and Mac hanging out in the first time in a while.
"Sorry baby I've got to study. You know me and Civics, we just don't work to well together." Max smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Al's coming over to help me out with that."
"Oh right, well I love you, text me later so we can hangout." She said stepping closer to plant a giant kiss on his lips. *gag* It was absolutely disgusting, she didn't deserve for him to give her the time of day. She then pulled back and winked at him. She and her clones strutted away.
"So Al  ready to go?"Max asked
"Only if I can drive!" I said excitedly.
"How many time do I have to say no?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.
"For as long as you take to say yes." He rolled his eyes at that. "Alright guess your going to fail Civics then huh? He sighed then gave me his irresistible puppy face. I caved in and rolled my eyes.
"Ugh fine you can drive, but mark my words Max Miller you will give in eventually!"
"Not with these eyes on my side" he said playfully. When we reached his white Jeep wrangler he opened my door and helped me in. I'm like an old dog when it comes to his car, I need a latter just to get in. Max smirked at me trying to get in his car but continued onto his side of the car. He hoped in with ease and I glared at him playfully. He flashed me his smile. God that smile. It was what I lived to see each day. He turned on the car, it was the newest one and it already had mud all over it. Just 2 weeks ago he decided to go off-roading. What a guy. But I still love it, it's too perfect, perfect guy, perfect car, perfect life... It's unnatural. His smile was perfect too, and god his eyes...that perfect sky blue. Aly, get a hold of yourself!
"So what do you think?" Max asked, looking over at me expectantly.
"Umm what?" I asked totally missing what he had said. He chuckled.
"Oh Aly, I'm going to this fair later to do a booth, can you help me out?" He asked. When I didn't answer immediately he put on his puppy face again. His brown hair slightly hiding his eyes. God he's cute. Aly! Get a hold of yourself!
"Can't Lyndsey help you?" I asked, Max looked kinda sad when I said that and I instantly regretted it.
"No she's going to some party."
"Without you?"
"Yeah fairs aren't her thing." I sighed, if only Max would dump her sorry ass. I thought feeling myself already give in.

Hey guys! So after I made Max's last name Miller, I found out there was a rapper named MAC MILLER! haha I couldn't believe it. I was like damn. So yeah it was an accident, and btw i actually love Mac Miller (Mac not Max). I actually listen to his music a lot. lol I just coudn't believe I did that. haha! anyway, comment and vote! thanks! :)

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